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Bethany, Ct show

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Don't know if anyone knows about this one. I might be going early Sat. Morning to peek around. I should know a couple of vendors up there. I don't think it's going to be huge, as this show is still pretty new. Still, it's in our back yards.


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I might drive my quad up there :thumbs2:

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I went last yr since it's only about 3 min's from my house.. it wasn't bad..for a small show... can't make it this yr since i'm a little busy with other things right now :thumbs2:

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Picked up Chris(whc-125) and went to the show. Not a bad little show. Nice that it's practically in my back yard, and quite literally in somebody elses. :thumbs2: Knew a few seller there, and made a contact with another. Picked up some household stuff for cheap. Awesome weather, and well worth the trip.

Bill-Good luck today. You got a heck of a day fot it. Try to post a pic or two of you guys on the puller! Congrats. (maybe) :thumbs:

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Thanx Chris, and yes we did get lucky yesterday with the rain holding out.. We ended up using the d-250 and the Drawbar on the 3 point hitch.... I'll get a pic of it up and soon as I can....

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