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Transmission identification

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I was wondering if any one could tell me what this ID tag means on my transmission.





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Looks like J12% - means nothing to me.

What is the model number of the tractor?

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RJ 58 or 59. There is a 1 next to the %

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So J12%1 - ?????

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That’s what I make of it 

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Casting date code maybe?

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J12%  That is September 12th.("I" was not used)  A picture of the horse we are talking about would do wonders to name the year and model.  

   J12%1 is a September 12th, 1961 Would have come in a #401 with a #5010 transmission.   




@brandon701  I want to apologize for my crotchety response to your thread.  I have edited my post to clean it up.  No excuse, I was having a real bad day...I am sorry.  :notworthy:


If I may, that is the casting number for that trans casting.  J12%1  equals September, 12, 1961.  That would be a #5010.  If you have this on an RJ-58/59...2 things.  1. either the brake drum side was changed to make it a #5003 or 2. the linkage was redone to fit from a 5003 to a 5010.  The way to tell, the brake pad attachment is either at a 90 degree angle or a 45 degree angle.  If it was the change in the linkage, it could be the tension pulley is either grooved or a flat pulley.  

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There’s always a possibility that sometime in the RJ58/9’s past the 9/12/61 transmission was installed as a replacement. -JD-

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The numbers are the casting date of that piece as mentioned

Those cast centers are certainly interchangeable between 58 59 60 61 tractors so who knows what was done over the past 60 years. The brake band side cover can be changed to adapt it on to a 58 59 so it is possible it could be on an older RJ. The difference is the brake band mounting tab location. ( but that wasn't necessarily the original question )

It may also be possible that there were extra repair parts cast or the part was sent to a dealer for a repair part. 


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