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New to Me 518H questions

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just got my 518h a few days ago with a snow blower and mower deck,i am doing some work on it as i knew it needed when i first looked at it .have it jacked up i noticed a cable coming from the rear of the tractor that has a little ball on the end and i did find a place that it would attach what is it for, also rpms go up and down does this mean a rebuild or maybe a simple carb ajustment,thanks more questions later

Edited by stevasaurus
edited by stevasaurus It is better to have a title telling or asking what you want to know.
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Probably a carb cleaning/rebuild. Genuine kohler kits are only about 12 bucks...

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23 minutes ago, roadapples said:

Probably a carb cleaning/rebuild. Genuine kohler kits are only about 12 bucks...

18 horse onan

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Just a tip, to help out the other members.

When you want to create a new topic about in this case your 518H 

You better off type in the title '518H problems'  (where the red arrow points too) instead of 83mercedes, because we can already see you created that topic.

It's easier for us to see what the topic is about, and more people will tune in.



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8 hours ago, 83mercedes said:

maybe a simple carb ajustment,thanks more questions later


Most likely a good carb cleaning will clear things up.


The cable in the back should be for a slot hitch. Sounds like you are missing the clevis that attaches it to the hitch.


Edited by Achto
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Ed Kennell

Surging Onans need the carb cleaned.       It took three cleanings to get mine to stop surging.

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I got an onan 16 hp on a Ingersoll running good without taking carb off. I just removed the top cover of the carb and cleaned with carb cleaner. Not saying that will work for you but worth a try. Bob 

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The Onans are great engines - how many gazillions of them are on .....dozens of all kinds of equipment! - But (theres that 'but') - they are prone to be ....finiky? and carburation is prolly the main one. So, as others have already mentioned your carb is likely the culprit. Good likely hood that the PO ran ethanol fuel in it and it may have been sitting for a time, both of which can foul up the carb. Check out the carb - in fact, ck out the whole fuel system - flush the tank and either use non ethanol or one of the additives, ck fuel filters, and lines and replace if at all questionable.


When an Onan is tuned and running right and up on the RPM's ----- well, its a beautiful thing!!

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5 hours ago, Maxwell-8 said:


Just a tip, to help out the other members.

When you want to create a new topic about in this case your 518H 

You better off type in the title '518H problems'  (where the red arrow points too) instead of 83mercedes, because we can already see you created that topic.

It's easier for us to see what the topic is about, and more people will tune in.



Maybe @nylyon can change the wording at the top where it says "Title" to say something like "Topic of post or discussion" or something similar. I've noticed this mistake has come up repeatedly especially by new members. Perhaps that would clarify things and reduce the likely hood of others making that same mistake in the future.

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The cable with a ball on it is not factory if the ball is towards the tractor rear.  The lift cable would have a ball that is in a clevis under the center of the tractor.


You need to describe the RPM issue better.  If engine speed increases well over the throttle setting, especially after engine is warmed, it may be a loose flyball spacer. 


If the engine surges, meaning constant up and down movement of the governor, the welch plug on the exhaust side of the carburetor may have fallen out.


If the engine runs erratically at most speeds, the carburetor may be dirty,  Onan carburetors are no worse than any other, all need to be clean to run right.  There are other threads currently running with some carburetor information.


Photos or short videos are worth a thousand words.

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