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Boîte qui accroche !!!

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2 minutes ago, Hardy said:

Maxwell tu saurais opérer la mienne si cela est nécessaire ?

Je pourrais le faire. 
Il est difficile de trouver des pièces de rechange. 
Mes roulements étaient cassés et je pouvais en commander de nouveaux chez Toro. 

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Je vais commencer par la nettoyer et si il faut aller plus loin je reviendrai vers toi tu n'as pas en ta possession le manuel sur mon commando 7 ?

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So... did we ever come to a conclusion here? :confusion-confused:



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2 hours ago, Snoopy11 said:

So... did we ever come to a conclusion here? :confusion-confused:



remember they are 6 hours or so ahead of us.  It’s dark dark.  :handgestures-thumbupright:

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Oui merci à tous.

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@Pullstart. @Achto  @Snoopy11. @pfrederi  @Maxwell-8  and my apologies if I missed anyone involved in this thread.

 Related to a little rant of mine in a previous post, here is the total opposite and what this site is all about. Taking substantial time out of one’s life to IMMEDIATELY help a fellow member in another continent in need of help and answers. On top of that translating into another language. 
This my friends says a lot about the involved individuals’ s characters, and exemplifies the true spirit of this site. My absolute respect to you all.

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7 minutes ago, formariz said:

@Pullstart. @Achto  @Snoopy11. @pfrederi  @Maxwell-8  and my apologies if I missed anyone involved in this thread.

 Related to a little rant of mine in a previous post, here is the total opposite and what this site is all about. Taking substantial time out of one’s life to IMMEDIATELY help a fellow member in another continent in need of help and answers. On top of that translating into another language. 
This my friends says a lot about the involved individuals’ s characters, and exemplifies the true spirit of this site. My absolute respect to you all.




et mes excuses si j'ai oublié quelqu'un impliqué dans ce fil.
 Lié à une petite diatribe de la mienne dans un post précédent, voici tout le contraire et ce qu'est ce site porno. Prendre un temps substantiel de sa vie pour aider IMMÉDIATEMENT un autre membre d'un autre continent qui a besoin d'aide et de réponses. En plus de cela traduire dans une autre langue.
Ceci, mes amis, en dit long sur les personnages des personnes impliquées et illustre le véritable esprit de ce site. Mon respect absolu à vous tous.

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15 minutes ago, Pullstart said:

ce qu'est ce site porno.


Even if translation errors occur.


here's a cleaner translation Kevin.

"voici tout le contraire et ce qui rend ce site spécial." 


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33 minutes ago, formariz said:

@Pullstart. @Achto  @Snoopy11. @pfrederi  @Maxwell-8  and my apologies if I missed anyone involved in this thread.

 Related to a little rant of mine in a previous post, here is the total opposite and what this site is all about. Taking substantial time out of one’s life to IMMEDIATELY help a fellow member in another continent in need of help and answers. On top of that translating into another language. 
This my friends says a lot about the involved individuals’ s characters, and exemplifies the true spirit of this site. My absolute respect to you all.

Sir yes sir! :handgestures-thumbupright:


At heart, we are good people. :)


Redsquare rocks... but only because of its members! :wh::teasing-whipyellow:



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