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K161S Brass Governor Nut Issue

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When rebuilding a K181 I had the EXACT same problem. Messed around for a couple of hours until I realized I needed to have both the throttle disc (part M) and the cable clamp bracket (part R1) in position on the nut.



Edited by squonk
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Problem solved - I removed .065 material from the face of the nut - the assembly works as it should with the disc free to rotate and the arm held in place - shaft spins freely with about .005 front to back free play.

Since I discovered numerous annoying items during the tractor's dis-assembly, I can only assume that the C shaped spacer, part R2 was originally there, lost by the PO, and was swept up with the trash and deposited into a round top trash can on wheels labeled D2. Together they made it to Hollywood - the rest is sci-fi movie history.

Go back to the screen shot @squonk sent - seems there were TWO versions of the brass nut depending on the serial number. This is a late 1961 first year motor - makes you wonder ...

Thanks to all for the replies.


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