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Garden construction info wanted

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Here is my garden set up currently. On the left side you can see I have my compost pile which has horse poop and bedding, and any other organic material we throw in there and at the end of the year I push that pile over the garden and plow it in. Well this year it is the richest I have seen. And absolutely full of worms. I am trying something new and put straw down in the walkways to keep weeds down. I was going to use wood chips but so far none of the tree company's have dumped any. But straw may end up being better. And at the end of the year that straw will be mostly decomposed and plowed in as well. 

Eventually I would like to do a green house but I have about a hundred things to do before that haha.


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Inside the greenhouse things are going well.  





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On 4/27/2023 at 7:58 PM, ebinmaine said:



There are 3 masses in the pond. 





We'll have tadpoles wiggling all over the place in a couple months. 



We also have a few little ferns growing in and out of the greenhouse.  







Here's my row of peas. 





And a bonus daffodil from up by the house. 









One of our local residents posed for Trina's phone camera this morning.  





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Update from BBT 6/1/23.  







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July 5th, 2023. 


The month of June was a sopping wet pile of wet soppingness.  


We recorded 24 out of 30 days with rain. 

I believe only one or two days in all of June had mostly sun.  


Hopefully..... The weather will turn to sun now....



Here's a few stills and a video of today's status.  
























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  I wish we had more ground so we could grow veggies etc. The four neighbours around us have more than enough. One lets a farmer graze sheep. Another lets another farmer graze beasts on it. One just mows it and the other does the same. :(

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3 hours ago, Stormin said:

One just mows it and the other does the same


Make a trade offer for land use vs.  Free veggies.  

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8 minutes ago, ebinmaine said:


Make a trade offer for land use vs.  Free veggies.  


Wish it was that simple.

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Now them’s some nice lookin taters!  

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6 hours ago, JimSraj said:

Now them’s some nice lookin taters!  

First time she's ever grown them. 


2 from one plant. There's 5 more plants. We'll see what's there later this week. 


Next year I'd bet there'll be more "budaydah" growin'.  

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We've got a King's English to English converter thread going somewhere. 


We going to need to start a Maineish to English coVetter now?

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30 minutes ago, 8ntruck said:



We've got a King's English to English converter thread going somewhere. 


We going to need to start a Maineish to English conveter now?


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23 minutes ago, 8ntruck said:

Maineish to English

I put one up at some point in the last few years. 

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Growing up my Grandparents on my Dads side lived just across the road and raised a very large garden every year. Canning or drying or cellaring everything we didn’t eat in season. I can remember digging potatoes with my Grandfather when I was a kid. There were many long rows, he’d turn over the ground and we’d count the yield from each hill for fun. I didn’t really like gardening that much then but looking back, it’s what you might say planted the seed for my gardening passion now. 

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On 12/15/2021 at 6:25 PM, Yossarian said:

Look into hugelkultur and/or permaculture.  Both are essentially building beds with thick layers of organic matter that decomposes and enriches the soil for years.  We've been doing a sort of mix of both since the second year we moved to this place. The soil is full of clay and the PO had tried to amend it with sand and who knows what else. Root crops would be stunted if they grew at all.  We have two large hugel beds and several smaller raised beds with rotting wood as the core.  My wife grows 9 pound sweet potatoes in one of them.



Permaculture for the win!

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As seen in another thread we've been working on getting the garden ready for 24. 

Yesterday Trina and her mom finished up installing landscaping cloth under the outer two feet of perimeter including the whole stump row. 






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