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Newb here, recently purchased a b310 that now runs with snow thrower, plow, and mower deck for what I believe to be a good deal for $200. My question to all y’all gurus is what am I missing for my snow thrower attachment? I’d like to get it squared away before winter I know I’m going to need a belt and chain any help would be greatly appreciated. 




Edited by 87buickt
Typo, incorrect model number

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11 minutes ago, Achto said:



Find the model number on your blower and then take a look through our manuals section. Should be exploded views with part numbers to show you all the parts you will need.


I can take a harder look but the tag on it is so worn I can’t make out anything it has to tell me 

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Have you got a piece that looks like this? They often get left behind or lost. 



Any idea on the year of the tractor that might help narrow things down. 

Edited by WHX??
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Ed Kennell

If your tractor has a front attach-a-matic,  the belt,the flag, a cable for the chute rotator, and a chain if it is missing should be all you need.


OH, :text-welcomeconfetti: to the :rs:

Edited by Ed Kennell
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48 minutes ago, WHX?? said:


Have you got a piece that looks like this? They often get left behind or lost. 



Any idea on the year of the tractor that might help narrow things down. 

No idea year at the moment and no none of them parts


Edited by 87buickt
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Appears the blower is a bit older than the tractor. Blower is a 1974.



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8 hours ago, WHX?? said:

:WRS:lookin like imma just need the lift flag pieces to get blower attached, then the belt and chain are next, any tips on how to have thrower function without getting clogged with snow? (we get wet heavy snow here) ive heard spray silicone is the best to prevent clogging, correct me if im wrong though.

Have you got a piece that looks like this? They often get left behind or lost. 



Any idea on the year of the tractor that might help narrow things down. 


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I just finished rebuilding one slightly older than yours.  Might be some info in this thread that will be helpful to you.  To see from the beginning start by clicking the link in the first post to the earlier post,




Edited by Jeff-C175

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peter lena

@87buickt  wet heavy snow and any blower does not work well, the slush will keep collapsing  on itself just as it leaves the auger flight area , depending on how your unit works , is up to you , with the forward speed you use, take smaller bites of snow / slush  and you might see what works best .  I personally use a snow slide spray in my chute area , but wet heavy snow , works best with a dozer blade and chains , wheel weights. notice your engine cooling intake screen is partially clogged , remove it and clean it out . you might think about looking for a dozer blade and frame , with rear axel hook up hitch. 42" blade width . have a 2 tractor  set up , with both a blower and blade , so I can get after sloppy or dry snow .  others will  tell you of their ideas on this issue,  have to be ready to go with whatever   works , pete

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Awesome preciate it, the snow is wet and heavy but not that heavy usually …..usually being the key word my driveway just a nightmare in the snow but awesome any other day of the year 

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Bringing old thread back to life, got the lift flag, blower is mounted, have belt on order and for anyone who may come across this it’s 69inches. But now am in need of a chain, it’s a 4 sprocket setup but does anyone off the top of their head know what size chain link count etc etc? I found what I’m pretty sure will fit at tractor supply with removal of a few links but wanted to drop in here first 

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#40 chain

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3 hours ago, 87buickt said:

Bringing old thread back to life, got the lift flag, blower is mounted, have belt on order and for anyone who may come across this it’s 69inches. But now am in need of a chain, it’s a 4 sprocket setup but does anyone off the top of their head know what size chain link count etc etc? I found what I’m pretty sure will fit at tractor supply with removal of a few links but wanted to drop in here first 


I hope you don't find the 69" belt too long.  I did.  I ended up with 66" I think... (memory sucks).  But I did adapt an older blower to a new machine, so possibly there was some difference.


I can count the links on mine later if nobody else beats me to it, but I'm posting this link to the place I bought my parts from.  I was very satisfied with the price and quality and service.




I don't think you'll find #40 chain for $14 for 10 feet anywhere else!

Edited by Jeff-C175

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Ed Kennell
On 10/1/2021 at 8:25 AM, peter lena said:

you might think about looking for a dozer blade and frame ,

Due to only heavy wet snows, about four years ago, I replaced my tall chute with a 54" blade.     


5 hours ago, 87buickt said:

have belt on order and for anyone who may come across this it’s 69inches

I always buy my belts at my local TSC store.   If necessary, they can easily be exchanged for a different siize at no cost.

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20 hours ago, Ed Kennell said:

Due to only heavy wet snows, about four years ago, I replaced my tall chute with a 54" blade.     


I always buy my belts at my local TSC store.   If necessary, they can easily be exchanged for a different siize at no cost.

I have the blade with downforce attachment rod as well, if snow thrower don’t work then blade it is, if that doesn’t work then a few hell Mary’s and giver all she got to see if I can get out, I think most normal people would have thought of snow when they looked at drive way, I saw pure seclusion. 

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Update again for hose that may come across this in hopes it helps, it is a #40 chain, 51 link count which includes master link with a 69 inch belt and attached is a photo of belt installed. One more question tho, is it normal when you go to raise the snow thrower that I not lock in the up position? Or is that the purpose of spring assisted lift flag assembly? 


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It should lock in the up position.

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Ed Kennell


     Block the blower up to try to determine what is preventing the lift lock from engaging.      If the blower is lifting too high, you may have to shorten the push rod by removing a washer.

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16 minutes ago, Ed Kennell said:


     Block the blower up to try to determine what is preventing the lift lock from engaging.      If the blower is lifting too high, you may have to shorten the push rod by removing a washer.

It locks with everything else just not the blower I’ll mess with it tomorrow and post my findings, actually want snow now just to try it out

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Ed Kennell

Is the flag in the correct hole in the lever?

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1 minute ago, Ed Kennell said:

Is the flag in the correct hole in the lever?

Only fits in 1 of the 2 holes

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6 minutes ago, 87buickt said:

It locks with everything else just not the blower I’ll mess with it tomorrow and post my findings, actually want snow now just to try it out


If the blower is being lifted too high it's possible that you won't be able to pull the handle back far enough for the rod to pop into the lock slot before the lift rod hits the axle or the blower hits the hood hinge.

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On 12/21/2021 at 6:01 PM, Jeff-C175 said:


If the blower is being lifted too high it's possible that you won't be able to pull the handle back far enough for the rod to pop into the lock slot before the lift rod hits the axle or the blower hits the hood hinge.

I know it’s hard to see in the images but lift flag goes in the upper hole as well by when I do that it just tries to pull it out of the rod it gets slid into, and when in the lower hole I can’t raise it enough to lock it, of course I can’t see what it’s hitting either working as a one man team at the moment



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