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By cJ_3D
Hello everyone!
Thought I would post a new thread on this as I wasn't able to find the information I was looking for. But I'm trying to get this drive belt on my 252-H and no matter what I try I can't get it on. I got a 1/2" x 76" so I know its the correct size belt. I followed the steps outlined in the manual which I've attached, and is shown on page 15. So I loosened the cross bar nuts and the flat idler adjustment pulley. And followed the routing from this guide: http://outdoorpowerinfo.com/repairs/wheel_horse_hydro_252-h_drive_belt.asp
I just can't get enough slack on it to get it over the engine pulley! Right now it's pinched up between the body and the pulley so possibly I can't get enough leverage, do I need to somehow work it from below the pulley? Doesn't help the pulley keeps coming off the shaft so I have it propped up using a scissor jack which is cumbersome to work around. I don't have a shop or anyway I can think of to safely stand the mower up and not sure about tipping it on it's side. Anyone who has done this particular belt on this mower before have any tips or suggestions for how to get this thing on?
Thanks for the help friends!
492-4003 Eaton 7 & Peerless 1320 SM.pdf
By drewd
Hi All, I have a 71 or 72 Model # 101006, Serial # 790336. Model number chart says 71 but the paper for the engine has a print code 72. The closest I could find was for models 1-3745 & 1-3741.
Two questions. I finally need to replace the drive belt. This manual list the belt as # 1576.
Two questions:
1) Does anyone know what size that translates to? I do have the old belt but the inside edge is falling apart so it will measure a little longer than it should.
2) This tractor has the electric clutch. What is the best way to remove the belt?
As always...Thanks!
By Reeferred
Need help,. 244-h model 72041 newer. The drive belt keeps coming off is it to lose, to tight? Any ideas would be great
By midpack
I had a drive belt let go on a 1980 C-175 Sundstrand hydro. After searching the manuals it looks like either an 83" or an 85 1/2" belt is called for.
Anyone know the right length off the top of their head?
By dambur
I need to change the Drive Belt on my Wheel Horse 208-4SB Model 42-08B401. I really need some step by step instructions or a service manual. I can't seem to find the procedure anywhere. PIctures would be great. My mower is slow going forward and It was suggested to me to change the drive belt.