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A Heavy Heart ( RIP Jim, Sue, John-Paul )

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Saw this on wnep news on Thursday how sad, prayers for you and your family for healing.  



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Bill D

I'm sorry for your loss.  I will keep you in my prayers.  Bill

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953 nut

John, this is such a tragic event and no words can properly convey the sorrow we all feel. As the shock and anger subside please concentrate on the love you have for the remaining family members and the joy Jim, Sue and John Paul brought into your life. You're headed down a long road toward acceptance of this tragedy but I know that your love for your extended family will help heal the grief all of you are dealing with.

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Wheel Horse 3D

Sendin ya'll all our prayers, and that was a well said statement, Thank you for sharing so we can be here for ya and share a tiny bit of your pain, outrage, and determination to soldier on.

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Sorry for your loss, John. Sending prayers for your family. 

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Oh man. I am so sorry for your loss John!  Here I am today, my SIL is meeting a buyer here to pick up her old car.  It’s a pretty big cash transaction and I am contemplating whether I need my side arm or not... then this comes up :(

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Words can't express how we feel. So very sorry John for the family and the grief you must be going through. Prayers to you and your family. 

🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 

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So sorry to hear about your loss John 

Be strong my friend you and yours are in our prayers


brian and jo

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So sorry,I can’t even imagine having to deal with what you are going through. 

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I‘m so sorry for your tragical loss John,


i cannot understand what must go wrong before with peoples or Kids they be able to do that.


Sent my Prayers to you my Friend

and also lot‘s of Strenght to you to come over that tragical loss.

I know, neither Words can not heal the wounds, such a tragedy rips in a Heart.


In deep sympathy





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Thank you everyone!



10 hours ago, pullstart said:

Oh man. I am so sorry for your loss John!  Here I am today, my SIL is meeting a buyer here to pick up her old car.  It’s a pretty big cash transaction and I am contemplating whether I need my side arm or not... then this comes up :(

The news doesn't know the whole story, just what they were told I guess.

This wasn't as random as they think. That kid was living there at one point but they had to evict him out. I don't know yet how long ago that happened but I'm guessing not very long. As it turns out he is the son of someone they know so it would seem they tried to help him if they let him live there. The sale of the car thing may have some merit but it's certainly not the whole story.

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30 minutes ago, wallfish said:

The news doesn't know the whole story, just what they were told I guess.

True that.  A handful of years back, the old wooden covered bridge I grew up next to burnt down in winter time, night time.  My uncle who had recovered partially from a huge stroke was quite slow to speak and appeared drunk all the time, yet stone sober.  He woke in the night and watched it burn.  There were two steep hills on 1-1/2 lane roads in the winter for pumpers to get down.  He knew it would be gone before they arrived so he just watched the somber moments.  The news channel who interviewed him portrayed him on air as a loon and he was ridiculed by many people for such an action, not trying to save the bridge.

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Man I'm sorry to read this John, hang in there my friend...

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Very sorry to hear about this, and very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


Edited by grnlark
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On 6/13/2021 at 2:36 PM, wallfish said:

This scumbag actually had the balls to say he is not a horrible person but just made a mistake. This little twerp is going to be a very popular prison B!tch. A fate worse than death IMO.

I sent this following statement to the TV station that aired his quote in hopes they would air this response as well.


Forgiveness is something that will undoubtedly take time. For now anger can be part of the grieving process. My message to Reed is a “mistake” is something simple, like forgetting to take out the trash or not telling the people you care about often enough that you love them. But premeditated murder of innocent people (especially women and children) does in FACT make you a horrible person. Therefore the sooner you get to hell the better off this world will be. It makes no difference to me how long the journey takes to get you to your final destination as prison life for someone like you will certainly be almost the same.

Buddy, I just saw this. I am so sorry for your loss. That is absolutely senseless. Wow, I had no idea that this happened to you and your family. 


I am in law enforcement, and you and people like you are the reason that I am in this field. 


God bless and keep you, particularly on Thanksgiving.



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It's been 3 years since this tragedy. The DA came to us (family members) this spring that Reed wanted a plea deal for life in prison instead of the death penalty. We agreed as long as it included "Without the possibility of parole". That sentence avoids any possible future nonsense with appeals and stalling. Well, the sentence was passed down earlier this year. He finally made it to his new prison home not that long ago! Today I got word that the life of misery has begun with a bang and he was beaten hard enough to end up in the hospital. At 24-25 ish years old he has a LOOOONG way to go through that horrible life of misery but I'm glad to hear he is finally being punished.


Some of you guys met my brother Jim at the show one year when we built a tractor from a gutted roller and got her running driving by the end. He used that tractor too. Not sure what ever happened to it.

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Yep, I remember that tractor build John.

Now for the sentencing thing. I'm in favor of the death penalty, however, in some cases I think that life without parole is better because of what you said has already happened to that scum.

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26 minutes ago, rmaynard said:

Yep, I remember that tractor build John.

Now for the sentencing thing. I'm in favor of the death penalty, however, in some cases I think that life without parole is better because of what you said has already happened to that scum.


You can have a guy on death row get beaten just as easily as a lifer. Why not let him get beat good every few days, knowing he's just gonna die soon anyway?


Just sayin'.

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Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, rmaynard said:

Yep, I remember that tractor build John.

Now for the sentencing thing. I'm in favor of the death penalty, however, in some cases I think that life without parole is better because of what you said has already happened to that scum.

Drinking the gas from the water bottle too! LOL


It's a bit ironic how he so easily decided for the death penalty of 3 others yet wished to cowardly escape that same fate for himself. Even if he actually wanted the death penalty, it would still be my position that life without parole is a harsher punishment in this situation. Had he been some big tough gang member or someone

that could more easily survive prison life then the death penalty sentence probably would not have been so easily avoided. I'm banking on the theory that there is [still some] honor among thieves and the killing of innocent women and children is strongly frowned upon.  


11 minutes ago, adsm08 said:


You can have a guy on death row get beaten just as easily as a lifer. Why not let him get beat good every few days, knowing he's just gonna die soon anyway?


Just sayin'.

Death row inmates are more isolated from general population. Yes he could still be gotten too but being locked in a cell for 23 hours a day doesn't serve as much misery as being the prison b!t(h for 20 hours a day. IMO

The death penalty can always be revoked. It can always be appealed. It also requires a trial by jury so there is always a chance someone somewhere somehow screwed up the investigation or did some ridiculous mundane thing that has zero to do with the crime but legally allows for some kind of concession. Not to mention the stress of a court trial and listening to all the gory details involved with the murders. The plea deal avoids ALL of that with zero chances of ANY more nonsense down the road. It cannot come back to haunt us 10,15,20 years down the road so it's really a no brainer. Not to mention death would be an easier way out for him and I'm not so sure he will survive that long anyway. Either way the healing can begin now because of closure.

Edited by wallfish
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it was such a pleasure to met you at the Big Show and talk to you for a while.

Sadly the time of the Big Show was too short


Some wounds will never heal completely but time will fade the worse part of the Memories and you will only keep the good Memories of your Brother. That‘s luckily part of our nature.

A bad sidetaste will still stay forever no doubt about.


I be not shure what i would do in such a Situation but a Death penalty is not „hard enough“ for such subjects i.m.h.o.

For me it came to mind that it‘s maybe a good idea to test new medicals on such „subjects“ instead to test it on animals.

..and this be my friendliest thoughts about.

On the other hand -

i think all that punish thoughts be much too Soft either case



But in last consequence- all that punish thoughts wan‘t bring your Brother and his Family back.

- that is for me the real tragedy of the whole Story


In thought with you bro


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1 hour ago, Tractorhead said:

But in last consequence- all that punish thoughts wan‘t bring your Brother and his Family back

One thing I do realize is harboring hate can rot a person from within. It's not a healthy thing to have inside you. But for now it's very tough to forgive something like that and a crime like that does deserves punishment. Had it been an accident or something, that's different.

It's something I'm working on among many others things for self improvement. And just like anything else, There is ALWAYS room for improvement. Maybe time can heal enough for forgiveness or maybe it won't, who knows. It's not me that is worrisome so much as what it did to those other 5 kids. That's what bothers me the most about all of this.


It was certainly a pleasure meeting you in person Stefan. It's always too short of a time down there.

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5 hours ago, wallfish said:

One thing I do realize is harboring hate can rot a person from within. It's not a healthy thing to have inside you. But for now it's very tough to forgive something like that and a crime like that does deserves punishment. Had it been an accident or something, that's different.



In your case, both are more than understandable and in my opinion have nothing to do with hatred.

It sounds not like hate to me what you talk, it sounds more like fainting Grief and pain

Shouting this out is one thing demanding justice is the same for me both is legal and absolute normal imho and don‘t needs any excuse either Way.

As already mentioned i be not shure what i would do in this situation and just hope i never must find it out.

But Forgiveness is the last thought that comes to my mind and i didn‘t feel guilty with that.





It's something I'm working on among many others things for self improvement. And just like anything else, There is ALWAYS room for improvement. Maybe time can heal enough for forgiveness or maybe it won't, who knows. It's not me that is worrisome so much as what it did to those other 5 kids. That's what bothers me the most about all of this.


It was certainly a pleasure meeting you in person Stefan. It's always too short of a time down there.


Each loss hurts

but this kind of loss built scars once surfaced once in the soul other fleshdeep.


This types of mental scars can not be forgiven in my opinion 

hopefully time will make it a little more bearable for all.


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