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A Heavy Heart ( RIP Jim, Sue, John-Paul )

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At first I wasn't going to post anything about this for a few personal reasons. But since I consider many of you my friends it might help to share this now. Some people may remember my brother Jim from the show a few years back when we put together a running driving tractor in the road from parts bought right there at the show. He still had that tractor BTW

My Brother Jim was killed this week. To make things worse he was senselessly shot and murdered along with his common law wife of 30+ years, Sue and his youngest son that was only 17 years old. John-Paul. John Paul was named after me and our oldest brother Paul and he was a very smart and good kid with lots of potential. Jim and Sue have 5 other children as well. Us older guys still refer to them as kids but they're actually young adults. Loosing both parents and a sibling has been very difficult on them. Some worse than others but we all handle grief in our way.

The kids initially had some concerns about how they were going to pay for services but in reality they had nothing to worry about at all concerning that. They are not on their own as our families got together quickly to ensure that. My nephew Anthony started a Go Fund Me page and that has also shown many other friends and family are more than willing to help them. They already reached the goal but I'll share the link anyway.


There's an old pic on there of my brother and Sue.. He still had the pornstashe. LoL He was a pretty good jokester so making fun of anything is still fair game.  


My Dad and I may not attend the show this year but we talked about it yesterday and both of us agreed if the timeline works we should still go. Our thoughts being good people, good vibes, good distraction, good for the soul. A plethora of friendly people all with a common interest is good for anyone's soul even without a tragedy! 


Here's a link to the news story.


This scumbag actually had the balls to say he is not a horrible person but just made a mistake. This little twerp is going to be a very popular prison B!tch. A fate worse than death IMO.

I sent this following statement to the TV station that aired his quote in hopes they would air this response as well.


Forgiveness is something that will undoubtedly take time. For now anger can be part of the grieving process. My message to Reed is a “mistake” is something simple, like forgetting to take out the trash or not telling the people you care about often enough that you love them. But premeditated murder of innocent people (especially women and children) does in FACT make you a horrible person. Therefore the sooner you get to hell the better off this world will be. It makes no difference to me how long the journey takes to get you to your final destination as prison life for someone like you will certainly be almost the same.

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Lord. Terrible news. I am so sorry to hear this. My prayers and thoughts are with the whole family. I just have not the words to say to you John. I am so sorry. Hang in there my friend. 

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I am so sorry for your loss . People are going nuts , I hope the little S * * gets what he deserves.

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17 minutes ago, wallfish said:

My Dad and I may not attend the show this year but we talked about it yesterday and both of us agreed if the timeline works we should still go. Our thoughts being good people, good vibes, good distraction, good for the soul. A plethora of friendly people all with a common interest is good for anyone's soul even without a tragedy!

My heart goes out to you my friend.  

Be strong... 


I quoted out the above because I believe it is a great plan. 

You're welcome here in our rural mountain home anytime you need to get away. 



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OMG John!!!   Chris and my prayers to all of your family.  It's almost impossible to fathom why someone would even do anything like this.  I just don't have the words for how I feel right now.  I'm sorry for your loss.  

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  I'm sorry to hear this, John. Bad enough to lose someone anytime, never mid three family members. I cannot begin to even try to think how you feel. 

  My condolences to you and your family.   


Edited by Stormin
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🙏 RIP 🙏

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Words from a random person on the internet probably don't mean much during this time - but I'm sorry this burden was dropped on your family, and am glad that you have a lot of good memories to draw on.

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Thank you everyone!

And anyone involved here on RedSquare isn't as random as one might think. We are still a community.


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Prayers sent for them and your family…

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I’m so sorry for your loss I hope this kid gets tortured in prison what a senseless crime hang in there.

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Ed Kennell

I am so sorry John.    Please know we all share in your grief over this tradgedy.

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My condolences John. Prayers sent for you and your family.


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John, I don't even know what to say. "I'm sorry" sounds so shallow. This senseless violence indicates that there is a serious problem in this country. I hope you make it to the show. Being with friends helps.

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So very sorry for you and your family :( May God be with you all 

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Can't add much to what others have said. I'll be thinking of you and your family and hope to see you at the show. It won't be the same without you...

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  Like you and I talked about John, need anything just ask. Including hauling stuff to the show if ya can’t make it. 

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John, Very saddened to hear of your loss and sending sympathies and prayers to you and family. We were hoping to take you up on your offer to hang with you and friends at the BS and return your two chairs you left at the 2020 M & G in Maine. No worries either way my friend if it doesn't work out for you this year, but I hope it will. If not your chairs will be back in Maine for you so you can attend and relax in them at the 2021 M & G in September.  God Bless

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Just reading this now. I have no words buddy. Prayers to you ad your family. Hope to see you at the show. 

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So very sorry to hear about such a senseless, tragic loss.  Prayers for justice, closure and healing.

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Roger R

Hard to fathom what you are going through.  Prayers for all involved.

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I just can't imagine!  One of the worst events I've ever heard of.  What a terrible waste!

I'm so sorry John!

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Thank you again everyone!

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Prayers for you and your extended family.

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