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Bill D

Kohler Head Differences

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Bill D

Is there any reason I can't put the head from a M10 on a M14?  The M10 head is a second generation head with the spark plug between the valves instead of over the exhaust valve.  I read on the Brian Miller site that the second generation heads made less power.  Any thoughts?  I am only considering this because the head cover tin is for the M14 was hacked by a previous owner and I don't have another cover.  Thanks.  Bill

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 the bore on a m10 is 3.25 in and on a M14 3.5in

Edited by Maxwell-8

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Don't know for sure. If I remember right the heads on big block 10,  12 , 14 are the same on non Magnums except for the bolt bosses for the older starter/ gen engines.

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1 hour ago, squonk said:

If I remember right the heads on big block 10,  12 , 14 are the same on non Magnums except for the bolt bosses for the older starter/ gen engines.


You are correct. Heads will interchange K241 - K321 and M10 - M14

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