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Wheel Horse 310-8 and 314-8 tires

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I am looking for 22 X 7.50-12 replacement tires for my 310-8 and 314-8  tractor rims.
Is this size still available?
Can I go to another size?
If I can go to another size what kind of rim is compatible with the Wheel Horse hub?
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Mort, there is a Miller Tire in Elgin...Pomp's Tire 847-695-3713...they are on Rt# 31 just south of Kimble St.  They are real good and deal with the small tires.  give them a call.  

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just up grade to the 23x 9.5x 12 tire, they will fit you rims just fine. Miller Tire, Tractor Supply and other places sell them just google it.

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I thought that maybe my 7.5 rims might be too small to handle a 9.50 tire but it sounds like that is not the case. I also thought that maybe they might be too tall or too wide for clearances on my 300 series tractors but it sounds like there aren't any issues there either. I can easily find 23s just not 22s



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Wheel Horses came with 22x7.5, 23x8.50 and 23x9.50 tires all on the same 7.50" rim. Your 310 came with 23x8.50 tires and the 314 came with 23x9.50s.

Edited by clueless
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would the 23x9.5 have enough clearance for chains on the 300 series tractors?  My 312-8 has the 22x7.5 and was thinking the 23x8.5 would be the biggest you can do with chains, but I am not sure as I have never tried it.  Am curious though...

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Before you go out and buy any tires make sure you measure your rims.  My 310-8 with the 22 7.5 had 5 inch rims....8.50 or 950 are going to look really bulgy on such narrow rims....


Check the distance from the center hub flange to the start of the drop center.  if it is about 3" you have the 7" rims if it is about 1" you have 5" rims.  (Both assuming 1-3/8" backset.)



As far as chains if you have 1-3/8" backset you should be OK  Last picture shows clearances with 10.50 12 Ags (Deestone on 7" Carlilse on 8.5")





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  On 4/22/2021 at 6:57 PM, pfrederi said:

Before you go out and buy any tires make sure you measure your rims.  My 310-8 with the 22 7.5 had 5 inch rims....8.50 or 950 are going to look really bulgy on such narrow rims....


Check the distance from the center hub flange to the start of the drop center.  if it is about 3" you have the 7" rims if it is about 1" you have 5" rims.  (Both assuming 1-3/8" backset.)



As far as chains if you have 1-3/8" backset you should be OK  Last picture shows clearances with 10.50 12 Ags (Deestone on 7" Carlilse on 8.5")





Paul are you sure the 310-8, 5 inch rims are original?

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  On 4/22/2021 at 8:55 PM, clueless said:

Paul are you sure the 310-8, 5 inch rims are original?

I can't be 100% sure but the rest of the tractor seemed to be original.  Rule of thumb for wheel size vs tire size is about 2 inches smaller  (8.50 9.50 on 7inch rims.) Why would WH use 7" rIms for 7.5 tIre?? Also may have changed over the years of production.  Parts listing are confusing as they lumped different models together.  However in 1985 The 310-8 shows 7.5 tires with a wheel part number 110677 later years show 8.50 tire with wheel 111516.  Only way to be sure is to measure..but putting an 9.50 on  a 5 inch rim is going to look really weird.

Edited by pfrederi
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