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By jleitschaft
Hello All,
New to the group and looking for advice. My father was a devoted wheel horse enthusiast for many years. He only cut grass with a wheel horse tractor (rear discharge deck) pulling a Parker lawn sweeper. We have a lot of property and it took him a while but he was retired and loved being on the wheel horse. When he got sick, I had to take over all the lawn maintenance. All of our family lives close on the same road. At the time, I was responsible for maintaining 7 properties plus my fulltime job. Using the wheel horse was not an option for me so I bought a commercial zero turn mower. Unfortunately, in 2017 my father passed away. I have all his tractors and it has been hard for me to think about what to do with them. He had 6 wheel horse tractors total. 3 tractors we used for cutting grass and 3 tractors are show pieces that have never cut a blade of grass. I have a few guys that have been asking me for years to sell them but I am not sure if I’m ready. I am turning to the group because I am lost at what I even have. Its my belief that the tractors are rare and the conditions are mint. If anyone would be willing to express their opinion and provide feedback I would be grateful.
Wheel horse 420 LSE (shows 7.5 hr)
Wheel horse 520 hydro (shows 92 hr)
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By WildHorses
Found a 420-LSE this morning. This one doesn't have the serial on the hood and the tag is faded beyond reading it. It's in pretty rough shape but I think it will clean up ok with some touch up work here and there. This one is going to my dad, I think he was pretty happy to get it. I bought it from a lady who's husband had passed away. If anyone knows of any previous pictures of this tractor anywhere let me know I'd love to find out what number it is. It appears that the flag stickers have been on the hood for a while so I'm hopeful that maybe the previous owner posted some somewhere although based on how he took care of it he may not have known what he had. Very thankful I snagged the chrome 420 PTO loop that I saw on ebay a few months back as this one will need it. Anyone have any original decals they want to sell??
By kthack657
So about a year ago jimt1971 started talking with Pilgrim regarding a worker 420LSE. Long story short the neighbor or friend (I can't remember which) purchased the tractor to use. We werr okay with this as we were told that if the person who got it didn't like it, he might get it back. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, Jimt1971 got word that pilgrim got the tractor back and wanted to see if he was still interested in purchasing it. The price was agreed to, and we hoped that Pilgrim could make it to the WHCC show😥 unfortunately he was not able to make it, sooo we agreed to go out to his place to pick it up. We left at 5:30am, and started our 12 hour road trip...got to Pilgrims, and got to spend a small amount of time with him and his wife before having to head back home. I have to say that Pilgrim and his wife are two of the most genuine people I have had the pleasure of meeting. They were amazingly sweet, and a pleasure to do business with. Today we got to take a better look at the tractor, and we plan on restoring it back to its former glory. The one thing thatvwill remain is the decal from the mower shop that it came from to preserve its history!!
Without further adeau, here are the pics