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c-81 no crank

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Hi   my c-81 has been running great used it to plow my driveway last storm. but today  it was 4 degrees this am  my tractors don't like to start very easy when it is that cold it cranked a little bit  but would not fire up  now the selenide only clicks when I turn the key  no crank  I tried taking the wire off the starter the short one from the selenide the thing still only clicks  is the selenide bad  never had one do that with the wire to the starter unhooked  big storm coming tomorrow of corse not much time to fart around with it and no heat in the garage  any idea I have a new selenide but it has two large terminals and two small the one on it has 1 small terminal  


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Quick fix for tomorrow, turn your ignition switch to run.  use your  jumper cable to go from battery + to the terminal on the starter motor.  She should crank and if she is otherwise OK fire up.  Just don't turn her off while plowing


Hint     spray a bit of gas or carb cleaner into the carb before you try this.


Edited by pfrederi
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R Scheer

You could also use your jumper cables to jump the 2 big connectors.  If it cranks then you know the problem is in the solenoid.

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One more thing to check - Is your battery at full charge? I low battery may allow the solenoid to close but there may not be enough juice to turn the engine over.

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953 nut

It could be a battery that is not up to the task anymore or it could be the electrical connections have some corrosion or are not tight. As for the four wire solenoid see the photo below


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Check your battery state of charge with a volt meter. I've seen more bad batteries than bad solenoids.


Battery State-Of-Charge Chart | 12 Volt Battery Voltage & Specific Gravity

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peter lena

tallen,  that 4 deg  zone is probably your issue , do you have a battery tender ?  I regularly use mine to verify my battery state , also agree with others on areas to check for a start ,  I also use a  light bulb with reflector under my engines during cold weather , adds a slight amount if heat to the engine that really helps cold starting , pete

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the battery is new  and new cables at the same time  I will try the light thing when it is  real cold  they do not fire right up I am going to go out there in a little bit  I put the charger on the battery last night  but I don't think it is the battery or cables I also tightened all the cables yesterday 


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Rob R

Besides all the good advice that was given consider purchasing a KATS magnetic block heater.... I use this all the the time when it is that cold put it on like 2 hours before you go out (or do the walkways while its heating) BIG difference in cranking and saving the starter. Also take out the spark plug heat it up on the wood stove, heat gun or butane fire starter add a squirt of 2 cycle gas and you'll be amazed how much better the ole girl will pop off...... p.s. a poor mans method of heating the block use an old plug in bulb (75 watt) automotive light put it next to the block and cover the engine with a tarp again a couple of hours before you go out. Just saying have been doing this for like 45 yrs. 

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All good advice thanks

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Kats heater how do those work  you just stick it to the engine and  plug it in ????

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9 hours ago, tallen4392 said:

Kats heater how do those work  you just stick it to the engine and  plug it in ????


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Rob R
10 hours ago, tallen4392 said:

Kats heater how do those work  you just stick it to the engine and  plug it in ????

Yes sir as stated takes a couple of hours but does a great job....... 

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