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Old Threshers Reunion

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Does anyone go to this show? My parents have been going for 20+ years. I go every few years when work permits. It is an outstanding show. It is mainly for vintage farm equipment, but there are usually plenty of lawn tractors there as well. They also have a lawn mower pull.

There is usually something there for everyone. This includes but is no limited to steam tractors, horse and mule drawn equipment, internal combustion tractors (oil, gas, LP, diesel), working dogs, classic cars and trucks, old tools, lawn tractors, they have an antique train that runs around the park, hit and miss engines, old buildings in working order, demonstrations of many types of farming and related tasks. I know I am forgetting many things, but that is all I can think of. It is a good show and you can't see it all in one day.


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Great Show!

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