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How to politely deal with a trespassing neighbor?

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My currently handicapped and healing uncle and his friend have been hunting in ground blinds along my back field fence row and Grandpa’s.  A neighbor who has no adjoining property lines was spotted on the trail cam this week, walking back and forth, waving and giving the camera a thumbs up this week.   The camera is in Grandpa’s field, but I am the “property manager” as Grandpa lives about 5 miles up the road.  I have known this guy through where I used to work for about 13 years, but have never gotten close.  I’ve plowed his driveway out of compassion,  chit chatted at the gas station, etc.  Last time I saw him, I let him know that my uncle and a friend of his would be out there.  Looking at the property map on the township website, I now realize the honey hole swamp he’s been hunting for quite some time is actually Grandpa’s property otherwise used as farm land.  The source of our field pictures when crops are down...

If he were tracking a deer or had asked permission, I’d gladly be cordial about it.  Now that I know he has trespassed, I’m a bit upset about the matter, to say the least.  I have no urge to go to the law, but I’d like to make sure he’s aware of where I stand.  He’s approximately twice my age, plenty old enough to know better.


So... how do you approach this?

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In WI here it is not required to put up no trespassing signs to keep people from trespassing as it is common knowledge to get permission first. 


I would start by putting up no trespassing signs every 50 yards or so. Depending on the nature of the offender he/she may or may not respond politely so be careful.  If the behavior continues contact your local sheriffs office to register a complaint.  Sometimes a badged courtesy call can resolve the complaint.

You can ask the offender not to trespass but do not take the law into your own hands.   That's what you pay law enforcement folks to do. 


 In WI here the sheriffs office not game wardens are responsible for enforcing trespassing laws unless a game law infraction has been suspected. 


Word of caution when putting up signs. Place them off the KNOWN property lines at least twenty feet. Property lines should be undisputed by both parties and in some cases should be marked with surveyors tape. 


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5 minutes ago, WHX24 said:

In WI here it is not required to put up no trespassing signs to keep people from trespassing as it is common knowledge to get permission first. 


I would start by putting up no trespassing signs every 50 yards or so. Depending on the nature of the offender he/she may or may not respond politely so be careful.  If the behavior continues contact your local sheriffs office to register a complaint.  Sometimes a badged courtesy call can resolve the complaint.

You can ask the offender not to trespass but do not take the law into your own hands.   That's what you pay law enforcement folks to do. 


 In WI here the sheriffs office not game wardens are responsible for enforcing trespassing laws unless a game law infraction has been suspected. 


Word of caution when putting up signs. Place them off the KNOWN property lines at least twenty feet. Property lines should be undisputed by both parties and in some cases should be marked with surveyors tape. 


thanks Uncle Jim!  He crossed barbed wire through the tree line or through his neighbors property first, then barbed wire to get to where he was.

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It's very different here in Maine. All land that is otherwise posted is assumed okay to be on.


If you believe the gentleman to be of a relatively sound mind (which seems questionable considering he was waving at the camera knowing he was doing wrong) you could just let him know that you saw the footage and you know he's been out there and from here on can you please not be there. Or ask permission.


If, as in parentheses above, you do not believe him to be of sound mind I would forget the fact that you don't want to go to law enforcement and ... go to law enforcement.


They are there to do a job and if you don't believe the person to be reasonable, let them do their job and you do yours. 


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The property map on your township website is not an official survey, most likely just tax map information and most likely not 100% correct.  Make sure you know where your property lines are first by the deed and survey.  I have been dealing with this line of work along time.  Talk to a surveyor first

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Sadly an issue in many areas of Michigan, especially during hunting season.


I would post signs behind property lines as noted above, add a camera or two to insure coverage, and then if it happens again take the video and discuss with law enforcement, which I assume is your Sheriff, unless Township has a Police Department.


By adding signs and then documenting you eliminate him claiming there was no posted signage...



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Lane Ranger

I would call him and let him know directly that other legal and authorized hunters may have him in his sights !

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9 minutes ago, Lane Ranger said:

I would call him and let him know directly that other legal and authorized hunters may have him in his sights !

I don’t even have his number, but I could also send a letter too.  

I was tempted about spray painting a big sign just saying What The (fill in the blank ) with his name 20’ in from the property line :ROTF:

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A couple other options



This Sign Is Sighted In For A Spencer 56



I have (___) acres, 

A gun,

And a backhoe. 



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34 minutes ago, ebinmaine said:

of sound mind

Wow look who's callin the kettle black here! 


17 minutes ago, pullstart said:

also send a letter too

Nope just man up ..knock on his door.... take a friend with you but have him wait in the truck lest you intimidate him. Keep the conversation outside and watch his body language. Feel the guys sanity out.  Explain to him your wishes, let him know you have hunters and if they do not know he's there. Try to convey it's for everyone's safety. He may just have been doing this for years so thinks it's ok. Does he hunt? If so and he needs to retrieve let him know he needs to ask first and you will say sure and go with him. 


If that don't work it's EB's plan.... naw just kidding ....bring the law in on the matter. 

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He had hunted the swamp in the woods to his east property line for quite some time, but told me this summer he now goes out west for the big big monsters.  This area in topic is to his south and west, there’s even another neighbor between him and where he was.

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1995 520H+96+97

He crossed a fenced in area ,That is Trespassing.

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I would talk to him personally, you already know one another, just explain to him you have friends hunting on your land and would like to keep hunting pressure down. I have some land I hunt and I don't post it, hunt it a lot, I have had a few people on it at times, some I know some I didn't, I just tell them this is the only place I can hunt because of my disability, need to use a four wheeler to get in and out. They most times apologize, and don't hunt it again and offer to help me set up stands or track if I need help. You never know some people can be funny about deer hunting, risk friendships over it, not me. I think person to person is best.

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Sometimes a few friendly Words face to face solves more than a phonecall or even a letter.

So you make his driveway in the past, that tell‘s me you know where he lives.


Stop by and try firstly talk to him friendly and peacefully, that your wildcam catches him on your Property.

If he will pass it in future, he may ask before for permission.

Tell him that you are responsible for that property to save and watch it.

Because of your responsibilities you have to know what‘s happen on this ground and who‘s hunting there.


Than you will se how he reacts,

that would be my way to try it firstly in a friendly Way first.

maybe he didn‘t realize that or he imagine not he is on your property.

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I thought about this, and remembered that I know just the party store he goes to every day for lunch.  I just happened to run into him and let him know I saw him.  He played it off like he thought I was in one of the blinds hunting and he’d come see if I was having any luck.  Really?  We walk up on hunters now?  I let him know we’ll have quite a few guys in the field on Sunday for opener and that we’re actively hunting.  

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Talk to the guy, reason with him, would be my take on it. You can always escalate things. It's much harder to go back if you start high :-)

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Knowingly crossed that fence then :handgestures-salute:saluted your camera.

C'mon Sally, it's well past time the time for a face to face discussion.  :teasing-slap:

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That would make me think he knew he was wrong, I personally have always tried to avoid other hunters to keep from messing up their hunt. I think he got the massage.

good hunting

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8 minutes ago, AMC RULES said:

Knowingly crossed that fence then :handgestures-salute:saluted your camera.

C'mon Sally, it's well past time the time for a face to face discussion.  :teasing-slap:



Or for a short time a moving detector with a flashlight or a Sirene.. 😂😂


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Saying what you mean and meaning what you say is the only way you'll ever have a legal leg to stand on.

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Kev, just go talk to the guy and if he keeps doing it then go from there. Don't make me come up there.:angry-nono:

Edited by clueless
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Lane Ranger
1 hour ago, AMC RULES said:

Saying what you mean and meaning what you say is the only way you'll ever have a legal leg to stand on.



Amen  no legal adjectives and adverbs needed.!


My wife believes that Certified Return Receipt Letters are a great Action getting Tool!   


Documentation of Notice is always good as you can copy and date.




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Posting property is a start.  Purchase signs that contain a signature line, sign and date them, this makes it official.  If that doesn't work confront him.    

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He climbed over a barbed wire fence? String a cattle electric fence wire along it. That could really tickle his assets. :twisted:

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4 minutes ago, Stormin said:

He climbed over a barbed wire fence? String a cattle electric fence wire along it. That could really tickle his assets. :twisted:

it’s not brand new, but a clear boundary.  Plenty of broken down spots...

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