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back in the saddle

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Well last fall going into winter, I noticed quite a bit of play in the steering of the ol' 520H. So thru the winter I decided to take apart my steering. Well after quite a bit more work than I anticipated, it's back together. To perform the reduction steering repair I had to take the engine off with all that entails. The problem was the steering input shaft hole was heart shaped. After machining and making a shim on the lathe, pressing it in etc., I have cut my steering freeplay in half to about 1/8 of a turn. So like the header says, back in the saddle. I bet you're all wondering why I posted this in the transmission section huh? Well here it is, when I finally got on it and started cutting grass, the transmission sometimes feels like it's slipping. I was wondering if there is a "set" screw on the trans somewhere to pump up the pressure like my old C101? If so where is it? Anybody know? When I push it(by hand, of course) the transmission locks up just like the manual says. So I know the trans is making pressure. Thanks for any help guys.

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