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John A

Ignition Switch 308-8

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John A

The ignition switch on my Wheel Horse, 308-8  (Serial # 2108K801L5950)  will not consistently shut off the engine.  It has gotten worse to where jiggling the switch will not stop the engine.  So, I now need to pull the plug wire to stop.    A few months ago when the problem first began, I ordered a replacement switch. So, yesterday I tried to correct the problem by replacing the switch which I presume is the original.   Well, it turns out the original switch has 6 male e connection spades while the replacement switch (Stens  No, 430-512) has only five.   That leaves a single black wire without a connection.   (5 wires are within a black plug)  I guess this should be no surprise that the replacement switch doesn't work.   I contacted the part supplier and have been advised I did order the correct switch.   On the parts description for the switches listed are two switches with 6 connectors:

Stens 430-663 Replacement for Toro 103991     and     Stens 430-950 Replacement for Toro 83-0020. 


Any suggestions would be appreciated.




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Click on the picture and a page will come up showing the switch and wiring.

103991 original switch is Stens 430-662 at




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953 nut
2 hours ago, John A said:

will not consistently shut off the engine.  It has gotten worse to where jiggling the switch will not stop the engine.  So, I now need to pull the plug wire to stop.

The black wire on the ignition switch is a ground that is necessary to ground out the magneto to cause your engine to shut off with the key. If you run a seperate ground wire from the tractor frame or engine block to the ignition switch and ground it to the dash plate (oruse a ring crimp terminal the size of the ignition switch) that should get things working right

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The 430-512 Stens switch replaces Wheel Horse 103990 and is for battery ignition. Wrong switch for your application.



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John A

Gary:  Thanks for the help. 

I appreciate having a place to find help when needed.   I haven't been a member long, but in the short time, have received help several times. 


Take Care,

John A 

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John A

Sorry for not including 953 Nut in my earlier reply.


Until I order and received the correct switch, I may recheck the actual grounding where the switch body is attached to the frame.   It is  possible the grounding is poor and when I have jiggled the switch it has allowed me to turn off the engine.  I did clean all the terminals with a cleaner to no avail, including the wires connections coming from the engine itself. 


RCPW is offering two alternatives brands to the TORO switch. I think for a few extra bucks,  sticking with the OEM is a better idea. 


Thanks Again Guys

John A 


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peter lena

JOHN A , THE IGNITION SWITCH GROUNDING IS VITAL ,  for operation, it would be easy to add on another ground to the battery ground area , near the side of the battery . I added a 6ga battery cable , from my corner engine bolt to the battery ground in the dash ground area. it worked out so well, i added that to all 3 of my horses, no more , electrical issues, pete 

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Got a pic of your setup Pete?

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peter lena

problem getting  the pictures on , working on it , pete

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peter lena

steelman , this is the only reference picture i have on related , ground cable , from engine block corner to cowl grounding area, its the heavy cable running parallel to the frame , then up to the battery ground area,  a worthwhile addition , pete


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peter lena





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peter lena

steelman , finally got thru , almost not worth whatever is preventing me on pictures, anyway, pictures showing ground cable start at corner of engine block to frame , going to ground rail along side of battery , insuring a solid go to ground point. the ground rail is also along side of pto lever starting point. , note the added washers at the corner of battery area , that is all the sloppy play in the pto lever , you can add those if you want to , for smoother pto lever action, in the same picture note the 2 bolt flange bearing  on the steering column , to take the play out of your column area . first picture show's the battery tender plug in , attached to the choke cable for easy and simple battery plug in . i have this set up on my 3 horses , because it works , as I have eliminated problems I  duplicate to the others , now if I can simplify and correct my picture sending ability , that would be the grand prize, pete 

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John A

Guys,  Thanks for the information and pictures. 

I ordered and received a new TORO Switch as suggested.  Last night I installed the new OEM to solve the problem.  The OEM switch has the grounding terminal for grounding black wire to kill the engine.    


I appreciated the help. 


John A 


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