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By three50seven
I recently acquired a nice Electro 12 with no attachments. I don't plan on using it as my main mowing machine, but I would like to have a deck anyway. I have a newer 36" SD attach-a-matic deck. Would it be easier to sell/trade this deck and find a correct deck for the Electro, or convert the Electro to accept the attach-a-matic implements? I've heard the conversion is not that difficult.
By RickJ
I need to replace the v-pulley pressed in bearing; if I can't, I'll have to replace the entire pulley and new bearing in my mule drive. Does anyone have a Timkin, SKF or other bearing number for the v-pulley? I haven't tried to remove the pulley from the shaft yet, so maybe after I do there will be a number on the old bearing? Any comments or suggestions, or information will be greatly appreciated!