Have a 1964 WH 1054. The tractor will steer tight to the left but only half the angle to the right. Drag link will hit the stops on axle on both sides. The steering gear has more teeth to go on the right but stops on the axle stop. Linkage is all good and snug. Seems if I adjust the linkage I will put the wheels out of straight. Is this normal for this model? Haven't tried to adjust anything yet, still trying to study what I could change so that it will steer the same radius both directions. Will get up close pics to post later. The linkage from the main gear to drag link is connected from the bottom up. I notice some go from the top down, I studied mine and it seems to be correct because of the bend in the link to go under the frame. The stops may have been added later, but seems it could be factory; even w/o the stops it would steer in same way, just have more radius but still short to the right.