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By D_Mac
Well I got a phone call this AM about someone wanting to buy my homemade tractor. Guy said he would be over in 30 mins to see it. Meet him out by my garage and I opened the door and he was excited to see it full with tractors. I learned that he wanted to use the Homemade to plow several driveways with it. I explained to him that it really wasnt the tractor for that and should look at the Simplicity or my new to me Cub Cadet. I pushed all four tractors out into the driveway. Gave him the history of each one. He wanted to drive the Cub so I started it up showed him how to operate it. he drove it down my driveway out into the street where he stopped and tried all the gears and reverse. Made a few passes up and down the street. Now he turned back into my driveway and headed towards the garage were he proceeded to smash right into the homemade tractor and T-Boned the Lambert. I thought he was going to ride over the Lambert and through the neighbors fence. He was panicking I jumped over and killed the engine. WOW cant believe what I just saw !!! At first I didnt see much damage. Paint was scratched, small dent in the rear fender on the Lambert. I though no big deal. The guy felt awful about it. Said his fault and would pay. i told him dont worry about it. I would repaint the scratches no big deal on the small dent. So after he left I started pushing all the tractors back into the garage. I get to the lambert and go to push it this is what I discovered......... U G H H H H H H H !!!!!!! Never ocured to me to look at the other side. He pushed it up against the curbing on my driveway. I only had 2 of the three wheel bolts in because I cant find a third. I do not know if that helped it or hurt it. I am relieved the fenders didnt get damaged. The hubs didnt get damaged. Looks like just the rim. I called him back, he came over to look and I decided that 100 bucks be fair. Now I do not know anything about rims or how to get a new one the correct size..... lug pattern.... center hole ... the offset..... i understand none of it. Did I say U G H H H H !!!!!!! yet ? I know you guys can help me. Where do I start?
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By Goldann520
Well guys, I guess it's so long! Someone bought my JD 212 yesterday, and couldn't refuse the money for my 520 today.😣 I am no longer a wh owner, so doesnt feel right hangin' out with you guys. Thanks Terry good luck all. See you down the road.
By zanepetty
Does anyone have any good pictures of where the throttle and choke cable goes on my 753? I'm thinking one runs over the head and the other goes under the engine shround but I can't remember for sure. Any pics or help is appreciated. Also does the little hooked spring on the govenor arm go through the notch on this disc? Thanks in advance.
By zanepetty
I made the decision two days ago to give my tractor a paint job. I'm taking lots of pictures and I'll hopefully post them on here soon. But my question is about the lever that has the small wire linkage that goes to the carb. I removed the lever off the little shaft and then I took the 3/4" nut off and tried to removed the shaft. Is whatever that's on the other side (inside the engine) supposed to be turned a certain way? I hope I didn't get anything out of adjustment :/