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Wheel horse wheel weights, repair plastic?

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Just picked up a pair of Wheel Horse wheel weights and a 48” plow. One of the weights is in excellent condition, the other is good, but has some cracks and work rash. Has anyone tried to repair the plastic on the weights? Also, what is the heavy material inside?

I was thinking about using epoxy, but wanted to see if anyone has tried something else. 


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Bet that Flex-Seal paste version would probably the trick here.


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See if ABS plumbing cement will melt into the plastic, if it does, then the plastic is ABS and you can continue by forcing it in the cracks.  Some scraps of ABS can then bridge the repairs if you want reinforcement.

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peter lena

picked up a set of  J/D yellow rear weights , mostly because of their flatter smoother rim fit , easily painted over to all black , i especially like the wheel/look  as opposed to the hang out w/h type. patching , with flex seal also helps. pete

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15 hours ago, Reddart said:

what is the heavy material inside?

Appears to be some kind of concrete from mine that are cracked open. 

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Lane Ranger

Spray the outside with truck bed liner when the cracks get filled.  I used that on a set I had that were used heavily for years.  Works great!

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I have a good question for the plastic weights. What do folks do for decals in the center? I wanted to put mine back on my d-160  but i also would like to put a decal in the center just for looks. Here is my d160 when i first got it and the weights i have for it.


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Lane Ranger
4 hours ago, bottjernat1 said:

Thanks @Reddart I just spent like $140 with them. Great decals i bought!

I asked Terry Dennis to make the round wheel weights insert decals years ago when I bought a pair of Sears weights.  Decals did the trick on wheel horses!   

Terry is very good at developing new decals for many applications on the Wheel Horse tractors and will work with you to develop socials ones when you give him details he can work with. 

Collectors and owners would be missing out big time without the knowledge and skill of Terry Dennis at redoyourhorse.com

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The Tuul Crib

I have heard the problem with these wheel weights are do not let water get in them and freeze. Could expand and crack the plastic even more. I have a set like these with no badging. They are 55 pounds apiece.


Edited by The Tuul Crib
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I believe the weights are encased in polyethylene plastic (like milk bottles)...really hard to get anything to stick to it. You might try JBWeld for plastics

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