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By lsc1257
I have a 1996 520H Wheel Horse for sale. The tractor has just over 800 hours on it. It comes with a 48 inch deck. The deck is a 1995 and has over 1,500 hours on it, as it came brand new with my 312-8 that I sold several years ago. This 520-H has the swept front axle so it can handle a 60 inch deck. I just replaced the battery and the deck belt this summer. The engine is a 20HP Onan and it starts right up but requires the full choke. The transmission is an Eaton 1100-062, hydrostatic. The deck is in rough shape but the spindles appear to be in good working order. The right rear tire has some cracking. The original operator's manual for the 520H is included, as is the original operating and maintenance instructions for the deck, plus the installation instructions for the deck. Also included is a new PTO belt and several miscellaneous deck wheels and rollers. Additional pictures available upon request. Asking $500.
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I have a 418-c worked great plowing over the winter.. but now is having no power pulling a load fwd.
replaced the fluid.. the old fluid didn't look bad. feels a littls better., but still significant loss of power and high pitched whine coming out of the hydro. the lift works fine
is there a repair manual our there for the hydro? Is there a way to reverse flush the system? I hear sometimes the hoses crack internally and clog things up.