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“What’s it worth”? Carlisle Trac Chief tires

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I have done some work for my uncle in the past two days.  He gave me these as partial payment.  What are they worth?  They’ve been stored for 5-7 years inside and have a couple week’s run time on them.  They were tearing up his yard and went to turfs.


He asked me how much more he owes me for running him gas, water and electric to an outdoor kitchen, changing out a ceiling fan and fixing some shoddy siding work from their builder.




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I would say $75.00 range each.

Edited by oldlineman

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Are they 18/8.50/10? Odd size. 
  I guess I would figure out what uses that size tire first, might help decide value. Not to valuable if hardly any equipment runs that particular size.

  EDIT: just looked closer and see that two are 26/12/12, those might be easier to sell. I bet they are worth $100/apiece.  

 Just my initial thoughts

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Those 10" tires only fit the new Pretend Garden Tractors. Not worth much when all your tractors run 12".

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10 minutes ago, Lee1977 said:

Pretend Garden Tractors.

PGT's. Hahahaha....

Imagine if you could convince HD and LOW that PGT = Powerful Garden Tractor! and they started using that to advertise their stamped steel(ish) riding lawnmowers they call tractors. :lol:

I've never seen that tread pattern before. Kind of a nice looking alternative to turfs, but not quite Ag's.

Edited by echris
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The 10” tires were for the front of his SCUT.  26x12-12’s for the rear.  They’ll go on one of my Wheelhorses, soon as I can adapt a 10” wheel up front.

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1 hour ago, echris said:

I've never seen that tread pattern before. Kind of a nice looking alternative to turfs, but not quite Ag's.

They are R4 Industrial tread a lot of S.ub C.ompact U.tility T.ractors come with these as a happy medium between true R1 AG tread and turf tread... I have those exact brand on my Mahindra eMax. And off brand on my Kioti.



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I was looking into ag tires for my GT 14 but nobody sells them in 15 inch anymore...:(

Only thing close were these type. Tractor place called them "skid steer" tires.

Probably a very aggressive tread. I opted for the boring turf tires...

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Au contraire sailman.  There are several sizes of implement AG’s that can be purchased like these 7.60-15 on my dad’s 953...


me miller sells these in their implement tire section...not a bad price either

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I’m mounting up the 26’s today to see what they’ll fit on.  Thanks @953 nut Richard for the 8-1/2” wheels, I never did know what I’d use ‘em for!




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