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1995 520 H Hydro problem?

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Hello all,

I used 40 gallon pull type sprayer last week to spray weeds.  I noticed when going up hill it doesn't feel right to me, seems to slow down.  When going down hill, you better hang on it coasts easy and fast.. I replaced drive belt last spring or fall.  I noticed a lot of black dust and the drive belt had two grooves on the top of the belt, caused by idler pulley. Replaced pulley and belt thinking I solved problem. I don't use to mow anymore and only used to pull trailers, lawn roller and sprayer, forgot I also use to plow snow in the winter.

Any suggestions as to what is going on here. Bought 520 H new and has over 700 hours on it. 



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So you are still getting grooves in the new belt?  Is the tension spring correct?  Is the pulley slipping on the hydro shaft?

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I didn’t investigate any further after spraying was completed.  Tractor is not at my home.  It’s approximately 50 miles a way.  Will investigate further if my spraying did the job on The weeds.

How do you check tension on spring?  When I had it apart last time I didn’t see any way to adjust anything. 
Thanks for responding. 

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2 hours ago, Gary520H said:


How do you check tension on spring?  When I had it apart last time I didn’t see any way to adjust anything. 


Just make your best guess that it is the correct spring and check for wear or stretching.


The pivot point for the idler is often a problem area, the bushings wear out and the shaft eats into the support.

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