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1984 GT1800 hyrdo oil change...

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What fluid does a 1984 GT1800 with the hydrostatic transmission take? I looked at the manual here on redsquare and it lists many different fluids (SAE 30, 10w-30, ATF). What does the T-1 thru T-8 mean in that manual? The tractor currently looks like it has ATF in it but I dont know if someome has the wrong stuff in it. Thanks in advance

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It takes 2 of the charts to get the info. One will list say C-1 E-1 and T-4 for your model. You go to the 2nd chart to see what is listed for C-1, E-1 and T-4.

Those pages are from the Lubrication charts which on the early pages explain that this info is the latest recommendation and may differ from the manual.

If you have ATF now stick with it. You can not drain it all out and these oils don't like to be mixed.

Here is the full file - 33 pages


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