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516-H Transmission Oil

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Forgive me if this is a dumb question...I under stand winter weight oil, but I'm I've never done any maintenance on transmission so I don't know how it relates to them. I need to add oil to the transmission (not the transaxle). Has an Eaton Model 7 pump. Says in the manual and right under the seat to use SAE 20 motor oil. I can't for the life of me find SAE 20 anywhere. I am ok to use a winter weight oil in the transmission? If so which is best to go with? 0W20, 5w20, 10w20? I'm in NJ so doesn't normally get especially cold here (below 20 degrees is pretty rare) but can get pretty hot. 

Thanks for the help!



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They changed the recommendation to 30 weight


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Yeah, straight 30 weight. I tried 5W30 for about 10 minutes. The whine! I had to pull it again to drain it and then add it right at the fitting - it won't take it in from the reservoir. Much better! The 30W is used is O'Reillys brand. Getting harder to find straight weight. 3/4 of a quart.

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Straight weight at TSC...

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I think Walmart carries it as well, in the "lawn and garden" section of the motor oil isle. Not sure what brands they carry though.


I have seen it at TSC as well

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I saw it at Home 'Crappo' when shopping for other things. No-name brand. I gave it a little shake and thought, "That's like water - might be 30W in Beijing but not here." WalMart was across the street and BBQ was closer to O'Reilly's so I took the Georgia route. YMMV.  Your 516H will thank you.

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I get the Shell Rotella 30w at tractor supply.

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I mowed the weeds and dirt with the old girl yesterday. The old C120 is a 500 lb vibrator at full throttle so swapped for the 516. She was great, and the SD does a better job than the RD, until I had to mow the 40° angle in the back. It's drive up and then back down about 25' and about 25 times. By the end, she was having some difficulty getting to the top. Hot oil!


I expect lots from these machines - she was up to the challenge, but maybe no further. A check of RPM showed full throttle at 2800 so she could have done much better. That's me trying to get that blasted Onan governor to play nice. Spring adjustment and she's now back to 3600.


Happy 4th!

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