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Larry P.

C160 Drive Belt Routing

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Larry P.

On my C160 the drive belt flops around when I disengage the clutch.  I adjusted the front top and bottom tabs on the belt guard, but I also noticed that there is a bracket tab just in front of the clutch idler pulley on the belt guard.  My question, is my belt supposed to be above this bracket tab or below this bracket tab.  I've seen some pictures of it both ways.  Right now I have the belt on top of this bracket and when I disengage the clutch the belt gets pressed down onto the tab.  is this correct or should it be routed below this tab.  The picture below is not my tractor, but this is an example of the belt being routed under the bracket tab.  Is this the correct orientation or should it be above this tab.   Thansk for your help.  Larry


Edited by Larry P.
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I will answer it this way.

The belt should not touch anything but the pulleys when it is tight.

It will touch the various guides when it is loose. This guide support is what allows the slack to go to the engine pulley so it can slip..



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Ed Kennell

Larry, IMO, the belt should be above that tab shown in the picture.  

  When the clutch is engaged, the pulley is pulled up to tighten the belt and if the belt were below that tab, the back side of the belt would be rubbing on the bottom side of the tab. 

When the clutch is disengaged, the pulley comes forward and down  and actually pinches the belt between the tab on the belt guard and the tab on the pulley to help in stopping the belt from moving.

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