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520H starter flywheel

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Hello I have a 520 H new to it starts terrible runs excellent. Last two times starter started making loud clattering noise before starting. I am concerned with the flywheel. Is that much of a job to take off and replace. And what about the starter? Easily rebuilt or buy new? Preferred  manufacturer?

Thanks in Advance,


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Pull the starter off and inspect the drive for problems.  While off you can see the gear teeth on the flywheel, so rotate it a bit at a time looking for any damage.  If you need a starter DO NOT buy aftermarket junk, find a used original one.  If you need to pull the flywheel, there was a recent video posted on the process.  Here

Edited by lynnmor
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1 hour ago, lynnmor said:

.....If you need a starter DO NOT buy aftermarket junk, find a used original one.  If you need to pull the flywheel, there was a recent video posted on the process.  Here


Agreed on both.



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OK pulled it this morning inspected flywheel it looks fine. Besides the whirring, clanking and grinding, can this starter be serviced?. I have found a used in "good working order" for around $60, and I see the gigantic market of aftermarket. So an used OEM is better than new 



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Also the part number of the used one is a little off. Mine is #191-1808-04, and the used one is #191-1949-04.


Is this a deal killer?


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1 hour ago, zeke37 said:

Also the part number of the used one is a little off. Mine is #191-1808-04, and the used one is #191-1949-04.


Is this a deal killer?


I believe they used both part numbers, you should be OK.

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OK so a bought a used starter have it installed but am getting just a click when I pull the trigger. I zip tied all of the wires together that go on the post before i removed them, and they were all plugged in the wires on the terminal, what else? this blue wire?


starter 2.jpg

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I think you will find a connector within the black plastic on the starter solenoid.  Apparently this is an early 520H but the wiring diagram shows black wires.  The later models do not have that auxiliary solenoid.

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Actually the later models do but it is up by the battery.


The blue wire should plug into the solenoid on the starter.


The click you hear is the smaller solenoid the blue wire is coming from.


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Update: so probing around I noticed, as was noted, that the new starter was now engaging when I touched the blue wire to the solenoid but could not figure how the one that went bad was wired. It was then that I realized that the connector on the blue wire was the broken end of a ring terminal and that was the only problem to begin with! I did not even need the new starter! Well now I have a back up😁

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