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The d160 How I did the fuel line!

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Wanted to share what i did for the fuel system and how i redid it! Now to redo the float. I found out yesterday the float is bad. Im pretty sure it has been replaced because the float i found yesterday in the dd12 carb was plastic! It should be brass correct? I also used all new fuel line and it is made in the good old U.S.A! another issue i found out on sunday when i got it running was it drives great but the lift cylinder doesn't want to move it tries but to know success.












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Is this the replacement float for my dd12 carberator? The original float part number is 201217 i am pretty sure! Does 1460380 replace that?


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I have 2 of those carbs - one has brass and other has plastic (I cant recall which I'm running) The crack in the plastic probably doesnt matter since its solid and cant leak like the brass ones can. That carb can be real picky trying to dial it in.


Heres one on the bay for about half Jacks price....


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51 minutes ago, pacer said:

 The crack in the plastic probably doesnt matter since its solid and cant leak like the brass ones can.

I didnt realize it is solid. I will take her apart again to see tonight

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OK i took the float out of the dd12 carburetor yesterday it doesn't appear to be solid. And the crack is leaking. 







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Well, there you are... what one tractor has another will be totally different. My float is a black plastic and though I didnt cut it open, it sure gave me the impression it was solid - like a type of styrofoam. A too heavy float would sure make an already temperamental Onan run bad!


All the more reason to grab that brass one ..........

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8 minutes ago, pacer said:

Well, there you are... what one tractor has another will be totally different. My float is a black plastic and though I didnt cut it open, it sure gave me the impression it was solid - like a type of styrofoam. A too heavy float would sure make an already temperamental Onan run bad!


All the more reason to grab that brass one ..........

I agree. I will do some digging i may have the correct one.

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Does anybody know the oil filter number for the engine and transmission? and the air filter number? I am hoping to go buy new ones or see if i dont have them in stock. The current engine one is a fram ph2870A the tranny one i cant read its been painted over! Thanks for all the help!!

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You may want to consider moving the fuel filter to the back under the tank so gravity fills it.  The fuel pump is going to have to work to pull the fuel up to front uphill and into the filter fill it and then up tot the carb....

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25 minutes ago, pfrederi said:

You may want to consider moving the fuel filter to the back under the tank so gravity fills it.  The fuel pump is going to have to work to pull the fuel up to front uphill and into the filter fill it and then up tot the carb....

i agree with your thinking. I mainly did it so that i can see how clean the fuel is and to see if the pump is doing its job. and easier access to change the fuel filter.

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Can anyone tell me where the fuel pump is picking up vacuum from? 1975 D160 Automatic with Onan BF/MS 2929e can't seem to find much for images.  I like a Chinese blueprint or any pictures of D160 , Thanks

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