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Elliot Garfinkel

5025 help

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Elliot Garfinkel

Hi all starting to assemble the 702 after a rebuild of the 5025 which felt like forever is it possible to have reverse  and 1 st switched . I feel stupid to ask but stupider ( if such a word) if I didnt. Thanks had to walk away from it today it's supposed to be fun

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Elliot, I don't think it is possible to mix up 1st and reverse...even if you put the cluster gear in upside down (which only  @WHX24           has done) it still will not mix up the gears.  Why do you think you got them different??  Use this thread to see what and why...not the same trans, but it is close enough to help.  :orcs-cheers:



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Now now Dino ... it was a three piece and I was a green horn! :lol:

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Elliot, remember the input gear turns counter-clockwise.  If you turn the input gear clockwise you will have 3 gears backward and 1 forward.  :occasion-xmas:



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Elliot Garfinkel

Okay got it but when in 3 &2 I can roll forward in 1& 3 I cannot roll at all.when I turn the input gear it seems that it all moves properly . Thanks for your fast response,over the winter you talked me through the rebuild and except for the wrong 3900 case with the 1 1/8  opening I thought it all went pretty good

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Elliot, I'm confused by your statement.  You cannot be in 3rd & 2nd at the same time.  You can be in 1st & 3rd at the same time, but only if you have the shift rails were both are in gear.   Do you have this square from the 2 shift rails??  If not, remove the shifter, take a large screwdriver and move the shift rails so you have this square.  This will solve your problem.  You are in 2 gears at once...put both shift rails in neutral.  The picture shows neutral.  :occasion-xmas:

DSCF9302 (2).JPG


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Elliot Garfinkel

I meant to say 2 or 3 I can roll the chassis  but 1 and r the chassis doesn't move. But when I turn the input pully counter clockwise  it moves in the three forward gears with wheels going forward  and when in reverse  the chassis moves backwards. I guess my question is is it supposed to roll forward in 1st and roll backwards in reverse by pushing it .the transmission is all buttoned up an installed.before the shifter went in both rails formed a square so I thought I was ok. Thanks for the reply 

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OH...you're OK then.  The reason you are having trouble pushing it while in gear is the 1st and reverse gears are the smaller of the drive gears.  It is just a leverage issue.  Think of a teeter-totter...the farther away the weight on the other side, the heavier the load.  Like in the old days when your car wouldn't start and you have a manual 3 speed.  When pushing the car you would pop the clutch in 2nd gear...not in 1st.  :occasion-xmas:

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Elliot Garfinkel

Ok  sounds good but I mean it won't move at all ,like the wheels are locked up.but I feel better with your answer the thought of opening the tranny again would really bum me out . I guess I really won't know till I'm 100%. I am redoing the motor might have found a machine shop but with all that's going on not a priority but at least I'm going in the right direction (no pun intended) as usual thanks for your knowledge and response 

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If you can turn the input pulley in each gear (by hand) and the wheels move the way they should...can't ask for more then that.  Why are you trying to push a tractor that is in gear anyway...that is what neutral is for.  Since you do not have an engine in it to test, why not mount a 3hsp motor on something and use a drive belt to test the trans.  Another horse, facing the roller with a long belt will do the same thing.   :occasion-xmas:



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Elliot Garfinkel

Ok thanks wheel turn properly  by turning pully as far as why I'm trying to move chassis in gear I guess I thought it would confirm that the wheels weren't locking up but I guess I thought wrong.Again thanks for the reply and talking me down off the ledge

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You definitely had me racking my brain trying to figure out what you were doing.  Got rid of some cob webs I did not know I had.  :hilarious:

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Elliot Garfinkel

Ok thanks wheel turn properly  by turning pully as far as why I'm trying to move chassis in gear I guess I thought it would confirm that the wheels weren't locking up but I guess I thought wrong.Again thanks for the reply and talking me down off the ledge

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Elliot Garfinkel

They all cant be softballs ,I'm just glad you  knew it was ok because my next step was to take it apart and I guess start over only to have the same results.

 Thanks again

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