Tractorhead 9,087 #1 Posted May 1, 2020 Since 3 Day‘s we finally get some Rain what is urgently required by Nature. But while i have no real Workshop, i must change some things in it’s priority to a later Timeline. But to do the finish of the Terrace was a good idea, even if it Rains a bit, i can start to work there. So i started by pickup today in the Morning some ornament gavel and i brought it back with the Beast. It was a Funny 3 h ride one Way to our closest Gardenmarket and because of unsure Weather and sometimes Rain, i let the iPad at home. That means no travel Pics - sorry While Kati buyed it yesterday but she was not able to pick that Load, i had this ride Today early in the Morning. She let it positioning outside the Store ground on a Palette, that i can pickup whenever i want. 1 palette fully of packed Gravel. (400Kilos) for the Rear Fork because of few Rain periodes i ride thru the Forrest, to Be a bit more protected against the Wind. After geting it home, i drive immediately into Backyard and set the Palette down. Than i started my Work - until i remember - no Pic‘s no happens. ok, quick grab the iPad to do few Pic‘s The Beginning and the Result Proud Kati on her new Terrace because we don‘t know exactly how many we need, we bought a bit more. so actually 130 Kilos are still in spare now. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stormin 9,983 #2 Posted May 1, 2020 Nice job Stefan. Now if that gravel is going spare, just load it back on the Beast and drop it off at my place. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebinmaine 70,046 #3 Posted May 1, 2020 Looks fantastic!! Love the old logs for a border. We did the same here out back. 26 foot diameter circle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tractorhead 9,087 #4 Posted May 1, 2020 @ebinmaine Just about 11 foot in nearly square... hope we get back the roof soon from our saddler. It was riped in last Winterstorm and he meant he can fix it and improve a bit. @Stormin huh, yap maybe i can do that, but can you wait that long... 😂😂 I have now another issue. Each time after rain when i drove with the Beast into Frontyard, it rips the Lawn.😎 My idea is the Front yard gets 2 implemented (sunken) Ramps into the Lawn, that i don‘t destroy the lawn if i go there with the heavy Loaded Beast I hope that works. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tractorhead 9,087 #5 Posted May 2, 2020 Final assembly arrived today The Fireplace right beside the Gravel is ready for Start. Summer can come!👍 just think about the entrance on Frontyard... think i better put few boards under. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebinmaine 70,046 #6 Posted May 2, 2020 Grass will grow back but keeping it level is better. Not full of ruts. More boards. Maybe wider ones? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tractorhead 9,087 #7 Posted May 2, 2020 Yes Eric, i just thinkin to level a bit over the grass. I didn’t want make the ramps too wide, just looking for a Solution if i must go into backyard especially with the heavy loaded Beast, that i don‘t permanent destroy the whole Grass again. Another possibillity‘s are other tyres but i want to keep them, they had a very good grip, even in Wet Soil by Plowing heavier Stuff. If the grass is a closed lawn, it don‘t impacts that much. Just on the entrance where the 4x4 begins to work harder it begins automatically a bit to dig. that‘s i want to prevent. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stormin 9,983 #8 Posted May 7, 2020 Have you thought of two rows of paving slabs, set at wheel width and low enough to mow over? 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tractorhead 9,087 #9 Posted May 7, 2020 Good Point Norm, i thinkering ahead alot about some grass Stones, or maybe 2 sunken concrete lines but no imagine plaster at all. The existing soil is very loamy, that didn‘t hold a heavier load without sunk in. Also few Rainy day‘s are enough, to sunk easily in. My experience with plaster on our Way to backyard, where they sunk in after heavier Rain even without any Load. To plaster for long term, i must first dig the whole Soil out and build a solid fundament of gravel, what can carry the Weight of about 1,5 Ton. When i moved the Stones on rearfork i had a estimated total Weight of about 1,2 tons.😎 The impacts in the grass are really deep, because of the thin Tyres, but they have a fantastic grip in wet loamy soil and after a rainy day i can reduce them with simple few footsteps. What was more the problem, the Landlady have a prohibition from the local Gov. on this Place to built things there, they can‘t be removed within an hour. So plaster prohibited and also concrete plated. The problem is, 3 meters below is a canal and a drainage, that must be both accessible for the Workers. So if i must remove them, i have first to remove the whole plaster and the ( fundament)gravel, what wasn‘t done in an hour. Otherwise i simply just have to remove the both Ramps, what can easily be done with the FEL or by hands. Remove the Ramps is my Part, remove the Soil is part of the Community. If i built a fundament, it‘s on me to remove that also if required. The canal supports all 4 Hoses in our Valley, but it‘s below our Ground. That was the reason for my decision. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites