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Mick.......no way I can top that!!  :ph34r:  :occasion-xmas:    Living the Dream here.  

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Talk about a crappy day......











Sorry but you know somebody HAD to say it.....

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I know , thought I had smelled some stuff in my time but this was off the scale lol.


Least I can relax now knowing there will be no more releases from there for a while.



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I hope you weren't smoking when around that hole,  that gas is explosive.  :bow-blue:

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I made plans to go look at the farm-ette tractor today. Might not go cause its been raining all day. I been trying to do some research on it. Rainy day blahs

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Give your Nose a Break, sniff on something better smelled items like a Guinnes Draft !

Maybe that helps...😂



Try today to start a new Project, even i seeing some Clouds upcomeing,

I organized a 28Gallon Tank for the „Wet Horse Trailer“ Project.



But when i unloaded this thing from the Car It begin‘s to Rain.

Naaaaaahhh - 

So the Weather doesn‘t allow me today go ahead with that Project.

So i just can start by plumbing few Fittings at home on it for draining.




The rest of the Work must wait, if better Weather occur‘s.

Hopefully quick.




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Mick, that’s no fun.  Been there, done that... two weeks into my first home ownership!  

I set a toilet yesterday for a friend.  I can say the word poop on the phone and he’s dry heaving.  I don’t understand... after it’s gotten onto that side of the drain, it all smells the same :teasing-tease:



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 Made SWMBO a set of tubular wind chimes. Yes! I was bored as rain had stopped play.

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Wind chimes Norm???  Do they play the theme to James Bond??   How did painting those logs work out??   :greetings-wavingyellow:  :UK:

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20 minutes ago, Stormin said:

 Made SWMBO a set of tubular wind chimes. Yes! I was bored as rain had stopped play.

Pictures? You know the rules.:bitch::angry-tappingfoot:

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16 minutes ago, stevasaurus said:

Wind chimes Norm???  Do they play the theme to James Bond??   How did painting those logs work out??   :greetings-wavingyellow:  :UK:

Probably the Benny Hill Theme! :banana-blonde:

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Today, I ended up picking on my friend Norm.  :banana-linedance:I sure hope he has a cents, since, sense of humor.  It was the Wheel Horse Rye today.  :occasion-xmas:   On a high note...I did have steak and eggs for breakfast this morning.  I had forgotten how excellent that breakfast is.  :dance:

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42 minutes ago, ebinmaine said:

Pictures? You know the rules.:bitch::angry-tappingfoot:


You'll have to wait 'till tomorrow. Won't put up the photo I took earlier. Think it's because it's dark outside. :teasing-neener:

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Got the lawn mowed ,  dug up a few roots of a willow tree that were sticking out of the ground that were starting to get in the way of the blades.  Filled a few potholes in the driveway. Swept the barn out, then the skies opened up.  Been raining ever since, now there's small pools in the yard.  So happy to have gotten the lawn mowed.

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Several weeks ago I had all new septic system drain lines put in at my house.  The guy I hired is quite a character, and septic systems is his specialty.  He told a story about working on a families septic tank when one of their teenage sons came out to investigate.  He said the kid looked down into the tank and almost gagged from the smell.  The kid made an awful face and said "that smells AWFUL"!!!  Tom said "smells like money to me"!  Danny

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953 nut
6 hours ago, Mickwhitt said:

sewer pipe had other ideas.

Several years ago I had an overgrown shrub I wanted to remove.   Hooked a chain to it and pulled it out with my truck. I was quite pleased with how well it came out until I saw the piece of clay tile sewer pipe hanging from the roots.       :scared-eek:       Quick trip to the plumbing supply store, couple of dresser couplings and  a bit of digging and I was back in business.

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Mowed the lawn, farted around with some tractors, supported our local BBQ called “Broken Smoker” and enjoyed 1/2 a chicken and a pound of brisket with the fam!


after dinner, Rylee and I made an obstacle course video for her last week’s gym class assignment to hand in to the homeschool academy!







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All I did was work work and more work, After work I had planned on coming home and finishing the yardwork I've been working on all week. Instead Rodger and I went and looked at another Farmall M, tractor hasn't ran in several years, and probably wouldn't be worth making a runner out of, but if the guy takes our offer it will make a good parts tractor to get the two M's in my yard up and functioning again. 

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Photo of wind chimes I made yesterday as promised. Just to keep Eric happy.




Today a got the lawn sweeper out and swept up the green I mowed yesterday as well.




And the lane verges.



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4 minutes ago, Stormin said:

Photo of wind chimes I made yesterday as promised. Just to keep Eric happy



They are quite nice Norm.



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2 hours ago, Mickwhitt said:

Last night I found a rainwater gulley was broken so needed replacing. I did that this morning so I reckon my drains are pretty much done for a while.



Just one question, Mick. How are you going to clean that out when it gets full of silt? You can't rod it.

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Hi Norm. It has a sump type trap at the bottom and I will suck it out with my wet vacuum as I do with the other pot traps. They cant be rodded because of the sharp bend. 



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Cleaning in the back barn today... in an attempt to 


A: remove Norman from winter storage

B: make room for just one more tractor :hide:


look out @WHX24 @dells68 this’ll make 21 for the time being!  :ph34r:




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