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The BBT person and her Momma spent some time putting up a shed roof attached to the side of the house to hold a few weeks worth of firewood.  

It'll get flashing on top and some sort of closed walls on two sides.  








After that we had a real set to with BBQ turkey legs, squash, sweet potato, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and apple pie.  





LOOK at the SIZE of these things!!







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Started the tradition of decorating for Christmas while the birds cooked away! Repurposed tomatoe cages as some trees! 20231123_185122.jpg.4f7d618df22184ee905a6ed96d33cbf0.jpg

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Ed Kennell

Made a couple "Tundra Bunnys".



Watched my neighbor spread some roadapples.      Always reminding me of Jay.     Rest easy my friend.



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sjoemie himself
30 minutes ago, Ed Kennell said:

Made a couple "Tundra Bunnys".



What in the world... am I looking at here? :eusa-think: :confusion-scratchheadblue:

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Ed Kennell
4 minutes ago, sjoemie himself said:


What in the world... am I looking at here? :eusa-think: :confusion-scratchheadblue:

I dabble in taxidermy.    




Some of the creatures I make from deer and elk feet.



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I floundered on Thanksgiving leftovers........

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Quite a fair amount done today. 

Our friend was down for the weekend and wanted to help!


Well today was declared Garden Area Clean Up Day.  

We moved the old portable garage from down by the garden up to just behind the barn but down over the hill. It'll be storage for parts, accessories and implements. As part of the process we cleaned up the area it was setting. Less than one year old clear plastic was BADLY disintegrated.  


We also dragged the porta potty from down by the garden where we parked it 15 months ago for Trina's daughter's wedding. 

We used Cinnamon Horse C160 for that.  





It's now set up just behind the barn. 

Trina figures we built it so we might as well use it. 😀




Trina and our friend worked on the new firewood shelter attached to the house. Got one wall done.  




I got another set of tire chains hung on the barn wall. 





Trina and I moved a little firewood. 

I got the weights and chain springs on the Workhorse while Trina gave the cab a good washing up.  






Now it's time to set a spell and enjoy a snack and an adult beverage.  




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Got rental mini excavator and skid steer delivered a week ago Friday at our Ky. property to get started on our driveway.  We've been clearing trees, digging stumps and doing dirt work to get the driveway roughed out since then.  Lost Tuesday to rain, Wednesday 'cause the red clay was gumbo mud, Thursday was Thanksgiving.  I've actually gotten further than I expected.  I'm about 300 feet into a 700 foot driveway.  Got the first of several culverts installed yesterday.  Picture is looking back towards the road:




The next couple hundred feet are all side hill.  Kind of difficult to do with a skid steer.  A dozer with a 6 way blade would be really handy here.  Unfortunately, renting one requires a rather large short term insurance policy.  However, I think I can get the job done with a box blade with ripper teeth on my 8N - it will just take longer, much longer.


Plans for tomorrow are to install the 2nd culvert and start dropping trees for the next couple hundred feet.  Will also dig as many stumps as possible, as the equipment will be picked up on Monday.


Edit - Sunday got rained out for any dirt work.  Red gumbo clay again.  I did cut down 6 or 8 trees to clear the way for the driveway.  Got 3 chopped up before I ran out of daylight.

Edited by 8ntruck
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Trina built a small wood shed on our side porch with the help of different people over the last few days. Still need to flash the roof line and she'll add some sort of tarp or plastic to the open end.  
It measures about 40" each way, give or take.  
Should hold at least a month's firewood.  






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You might want to put some plywood against the house to protect the siding.

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1 hour ago, jonw440 said:

You might want to put some plywood against the house to protect the siding.

Not a bad idea. 

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Is the porch floor strong enough for a full stack of wood in that little shed?

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2 minutes ago, 8ntruck said:

Is the porch floor strong enough for a full stack of wood in that little shed?

Valid question. 


I believe it is. 


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I consulted my local small wood shed  construction expert, BBT. 


We discussed the load bearing ability of the deck structure and the possible total weight of the stored firewood. 

The pile could be 3 x 3 x 6.5 feet.  

The interwebs that never lie states that could mess up 1500 lbs. 


Today Trina added 3 legs to the area directly under the wood pile and reinforced the existing one.  






Edited by ebinmaine
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Finally back again - what a Disaster - 


Was without any Internet Service nearly a month.

just via Cellphone but my Datavolume is hardly limited so i have to do the important things first.


We then get the Info our previousely Serviceprovider went bankrupt. 

They just shutdown the Line and should keep us informed but - no answer by any Service call.

Phoneline is dead at all...

No responsible Person can be found for the so called „Last mile“ to hand over to any another Company...🤥


After a felt 100 call‘s we got firstly the Info they don‘t be handed over to Telekom,

they be sold to any other „unknown“ Company, but nobody knows who and where and why.

No internet no phone.....

- hey we be in 21 Century, that appears to be normal - huh


Our „Cucumber troop“ establish some new rules and thow so several companies with complete idiotic new regularities in bankrupcy,

even Company‘s they be before in stable health - don‘t ask me what i‘m thinking about.....🤫🤪🧐

i still hope the next Votes eliminates this idiotic Cucumber Troop.

I don‘t shout out loud what i‘m think about all that Idiots...


However, no we be back in Service and phone and Internet is still working again.





Since we Had a „little Snow“ so just about 50cm maybe 70cm not more...




But it is Wet Heavy Snow and my Horse was unable to deal it completely.




Lots of Trees crack in the Woods and here i just can deal with the Beast and it‘s 4WD.


First task before next Winterseason is finalize the Snowthrower...


Have a nice 1. Advent all



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Sorry to hear about your internet service. In today's world it hard to survive without service for a month. Wish we would get some snow, haven't had any in about 4 years.  Hope you have a nice Holiday season.

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1 hour ago, elcamino/wheelhorse said:

Sorry to hear about your internet service. In today's world it hard to survive without service for a WEEK.


Some would even say a day or less. 


I'm well connected at home, work and on the road and I appreciate not being strung for a few days when in the wilds.  



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spacer.pngBusting open another 1100 for axle an swap. This will be a spare for the shed. Since I am down to four tractors and three of them have Eatons in them, I figured I would widen it up to gt14 / 1054 standards. If my 417-12A ever pops a rear end, it will get a wider rear. Also I have a bronco 14 in the shed that if the rear end ever goes out on it, it will get an Eaton replacement also. Just cleaning up, making space and marking things off the list. :handgestures-thumbupright:



Done ✔️ 

Edited by 19richie66
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Ed Kennell

Picked up this 110v hoist at the auction for $9.       Only 330 lbs, but enough to hang my deer or the front end of a Wheel Horse.


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Got the Cherokee changed into winter boots today.  The summer sneakers that were on it were worn down to the wear bars.  Driving on them in the last wet packy snow was kind of like driving on slicks!


The neighbor had borrowed his realitive's small Massey Furgeson diesel tractor with a back hoe and FEL recently.   He had taken a tree out today and had just removed that stump with it.  He offered to haul the off season tire/wheel assemblies to and from the shed with it.  Of course I said yes.  While he was in my yard, I had him drag a limb out of the woods so I can chop it into firewood, and he placed a scoop of soil in the low spot where the birch tree used to be several years ago.

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@Ed Kennell that hoist looks like it has never been used. 

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Ed Kennell
27 minutes ago, elcamino/wheelhorse said:

@Ed Kennell that hoist looks like it has never been used. 

Only used on Mondays by an old lady to pick up her laundry basket.    :banana-blonde:

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2 minutes ago, Ed Kennell said:

Only used on Mondays by an old lady to pick up her laundry basket.    :banana-blonde:


And to think you had to give $9.00!!!! :scared-eek:


My how inflation is killing the overhead crane market!!! :angry-tappingfoot:



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Ed Kennell
8 hours ago, Sparky said:

Somber and humbling place. 

Awesome pictures Mike.     Thanks for the reminder.

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