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10 minutes ago, ebinmaine said:


Always remember the Wheelhorse tractors will move a LOT more than they will stop so use care.  


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@ebinmaine I'v got a 1995 RE snapper that I have half way pressed to brake/clutch on before and found myself in the woods 

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3 minutes ago, Southern_Secret said:

@ebinmaine I'v got a 1995 RE snapper that I have half way pressed to brake/clutch on before and found myself in the woods 









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10 minutes ago, Southern_Secret said:

RE snapper that I have half way pressed to brake/clutch on before and found myself in the woods 

To sorta paraphrase Forest Gump: Life’s a lot like :wh: brakes… perfect when things are going smooth… hang on when it’s goin’ downhill… :scared-eek:




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1 minute ago, SylvanLakeWH said:

To sorta paraphrase Forest Gump: Life’s a lot like :wh: brakes… perfect when things are going smooth… hang on when it’s goin’ downhill… :scared-eek:




:laughing-rolling::laughing-rolling::laughing-rolling::laughing-rolling::laughing-rolling: @SylvanLakeWH you got my chest hurting :laughing-rolling::laughing-rolling:

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Handy Don
On 12/29/2021 at 5:01 PM, Southern_Secret said:

@ebinmaine I'v got a 1995 RE snapper that I have half way pressed to brake/clutch on before and found myself in the woods 

Yep, no power brakes on these puppies, gotta put your foot down. Also, have to keep up the maintenance on the brake stuff!

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On damage patrol today. Wife went to the mall yesterday and came outside to this. Needless to say, it got a little warm at the mall. BUT, we came out on the good side of this one AND…..the Redsquare tag lives on. Even Wheel Horse tags are tough :handgestures-thumbupright: (that was a Dodge Charger)



Edited by 19richie66
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Ed Kennell

Battery explosion?

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11 minutes ago, Ed Kennell said:

Battery explosion?

Not sure Ed.  A witness said they pulled in, got out and opened the hood, looked at the engine, closed the hood and went inside. This is what everyone came out to. They had just put out the fire when my wife came out. 

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2 hours ago, 19richie66 said:

On damage patrol today.


That sucks !! :( Truly sorry about the damage.


I've always thought that Dodge had some hot engines, looks like that one was real hot. :ychain::)

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This past fall while mold board plowing one of my friends Simplicity Landlord's had a major tranny failure. No warning noises, just BANG and it stopped moving.



He scored a complete used tranny for $60. :thumbs2: Today we swapped the tranny's out and got his tractor set up for snow plowing duty. Pretty easy swap on these tractors, about 3hrs start to finish. 


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Short in the wiring or something.... they are machines made by man and the only option is good insurance. Look at the bright side Ritchie least your entire truck wasn't torched too.

Nice Dan was going to ask about the donor transaxle.  I know he said he didn't have a spare in the parts yard. Didn't know he used it for double duty as a push plow. Any idea why it let loose?

Quit zooming in on the sticker on the side guys! :lol:

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40 minutes ago, WHX?? said:

Any idea why it let loose?


Not sure, but I have some ideas on how to reinforce it. :thumbs2:

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1 hour ago, WHX?? said:

Quit zooming in on the sticker on the side guys! :lol:

Maybe… but not harder than a :wh:



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  Spent of of the day in at my mates farm replacing broken guttering's. Temperature -1c with a wind chill factor of -5c.

 Mates grandson in the handler cab with heater on and 74 and 76 years old's up in the safety cage doing the fixing. :rolleyes:  

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Ed Kennell

Painted the boat trailer fenders and wheels.    Took quite a bit of hammer and Bondo work on the fenders.



A little more work on the deer mount.    Antlers and eyes mounted and ear bases formed.


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On 1/1/2022 at 4:16 PM, 19richie66 said:

On damage patrol today. Wife went to the mall yesterday and came outside to this. Needless to say, it got a little warm at the mall. BUT, we came out on the good side of this one AND…..the Redsquare tag lives on. Even Wheel Horse tags are tough :handgestures-thumbupright: (that was a Dodge Charger)



I worked 2nd shift for a while. Guy on 1st named Dan drove a 95 F150. He was always giving me a hard time. So I kept asking him how he got to work? He says my truck. But say BUT HOW do you get to work? After a week of this I started asking him if he had a fire extinguisher in his truck. Did it for about another week. I come into work one day and there are fire trucks there and a bunch of people standing around. I see 2 people I know and ask what happened? They say Dan's truck caught fire.It took out another Ford truck and a Tauras. The next time I saw him I said " Told ya!" He got a nice check.

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Richie, Mrs. P showed me the pictures from FB.  I loved the comment someone said about it looking like a s’more!  It’s perfectly done!

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Horse Newbie

Not doing much today except watching the toob… The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly…


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Added a little personal touch to the gokart. 



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Horse Newbie

Not doing much today except watching the toob… Pale Rider…


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 Up at the farm today. First job fit new chains to the barley crusher. Then drill a stantion to mount  brackets for fixing a draught excluding netting sheet.

 Afternoon spent in a muck spreader shortening scaling chains. Fortunately it had been washed out. :D

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38 minutes ago, Stormin said:

IN a muck spreader

Read that and thought "oh muck"..


38 minutes ago, Stormin said:

it had been washed

This is good

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Getting ready here today.

Snowmageddon may or may not be coming next week!    :snooty:














Here's hoping...

these 500 tons will see us through.   :handgestures-fingerscrossed:

Edited by AMC RULES
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Long flat hood with maybe even a slight upward slope. Flat top sleeper. Straight Chrome stacks from the bottom up. Extended wheelbase. Like those extra lights behind the sleeper. That's a tough view with the mountain behind it.



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