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Control Lever Friction Adjustment - 520H

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Good Afternoon,


I cannot find anything in the manual about the SOP for this, but under the seat, there is a control lever friction adjustment.  What is it for? How do you adjust it? etc.?

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They had the information in the parts list.


Clean all oil and dirt from the mechanism, then adjust the nut for drag to hold the speed.  I take mine apart from time to time to clean it properly and sand the friction surfaces flat.

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How do you know if you went too far..or not enough?

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23 minutes ago, porschpow said:

How do you know if you went too far..or not enough?

Too far and you can barely if at all move the direction lever... Not far enough it won't hold in desired position without it creeping back to neutral or you constantly holding it there by hand... It's definitely a fine fine line between the 2.  On your test drive keep your 9/16" wrench handy for adjustments until you are satisfied where it is.

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Ok gotcha.  Will this address the slop in the FWD/ RV directional lever? Also, I have been having an issue when I go up hill it slows down/ when I go downhill, it speeds up. This related?

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3 hours ago, porschpow said:

Ok gotcha.  Will this address the slop in the FWD/ RV directional lever? Also, I have been having an issue when I go up hill it slows down/ when I go downhill, it speeds up. This related?

A lot of it yes... Some of the slow down speed up is just the nature of a hydro... As for the shifter "slop" (if you have column version) there are several linkages from the shifter back through to the transaxle any of those rod ends could be severely worn and needing replaced.

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might be losing forward motion when ascending because the trans lever is moving 


snug the nut on the control lever  with a 9/16 wrench as lynnmor and WV hillbilly suggested and you should be good to go 


also ensure trans fluid and filter are fresh ;  trans fluid level is appropriate 


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when you begin a descent and don't want to free wheel - pull back just a tad on the lever just as you begin the descent and you will have engine / trans braking 


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