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‘87 312A No Lights/Dash Functioning

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I have an ‘87 312A that my grandpa bought new. He ran it until he passed away in 2004.  My grandma continued to use it until 2016 when the original Eaton went out and she gave it to me.  Thanks to this site I found an 1100 to swap in and it has ran fine since.  However, nothing on the dash has ever worked since I’ve owned it including the lights, and I’d like to get that fixed.


I was looking around and by the battery tray I found an electrical connector that wasn’t plugged in, what looks like wires that were bypassed, and a wire connected to nothing.  A couple pics are below.  Hopefully somebody with a similar tractor can help me get this cleaned up and working. Not sure whether that should plug into the top or bottom port (not sure what you call it), and what they might have been bypassing.  I’m mechanical minded but do not get into the electrical side much.  Any help is appreciated.




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The white connector should plug into the two pto switches just out of sight in the 2nd photo.

You can just see the end of the switch terminals below the bolt through the ground wire.

I'm thinking the 8-speed models should be the same as the hydro models so these diagrams should help.

One pto switch controls starting and the other ignition.

Sorry about the poor coloring. Will fix up as time allows.


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Thanks for the responses.  A few more questions, does it make a difference whether the white connector is plugged into the top or bottom of that terminal? Any idea what the stray wire I’m pointing to should be connected to?  Any idea why they would’ve connected the wire with the purple stripe and I believe a white stripe?  Last question for now, based on the wiring diagram, should the green fuse be a 25amp in lieu of 30?  Not sure if it matters.  Again I appreciate the help, just not good at electrical stuff and want to get this right. 




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Yes it makes a difference which switch the white connector plugs into. One switch controls the starter circuit and the other the ignition.

Where is the other white connector? That is likely gone and where the extra wires should go to.

When one of those switches is closed to other is open. Their operation is opposite to each other.


The white connector is still available from any Toro dealer


I don't know what terminals are also required but may be a standard Packard 56 style.

They are easily released so they slide out of the connector if you know how to do it.

Here is what I think you need. Click on the picture and the removal is explained.

The switches are spring loaded.

When you see NO that means the switch is normally open when laying on the work bench. Switch contacts not connected.

When you see NC that means the switch is normally closed when laying on the work bench. Switch contacts connected.

Each switch will perform both operations depending on which terminals are used.


If you remove the switches the terminals will be identified. One terminal may say Com. for common. One other will be NC and the other NO.

There are insulators between the switches so don't loose them. The picture is from the electrical parts page in the parts list (TIPL) posted earlier for your 312-A


Keep the questions coming.



Pto switches 312-8.jpg

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See 3 wires in the white connector.. There should only be two of the cavities of each connector used. So one of those three should be in the missing connector along with the broken one.


What is under the tape wrapped around the wires. 

I keep saying wires. It is common to see more than one wire in a terminal as it makes for a convenient place to join two wires if necessary. 

In the end you need wires to two cavities of each connector.


Will have to do some research on the fuse.



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Redid the wiring diagrams so they are a bit easier on the eyes.

Printing the colored version in black and white prints well.


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