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By Donavon
Need ideas to convert my 1054 A Frame plow into a snow blower
Any idea's?
By WH1618speed
1965 Wheel Horse 855 with 42" blade and chains
Runs good
Sheet metal is very straight, great candidate for restoration.
Missing Belt guard
Will sell tractor by itself for $500 without blade and chains
Blade is straight and lots of cutting edge left... just a little rusty.
Text, call, or email with any questions. If you call and I don't answer please leave a voicemail with your name and number. Thanks!
I can also deliver to the big show in Arendtsville, PA... IF you prepay.
Facebook Marketplace link with more pics: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/598023068755689?rid=229092436403311&ad_id&rt=1&refID=0&refType=0&referral_code=commerce_attachment
By Mattgray
I am looking for a snow plow in the Western NC area, might be a long shot but iv checked marketplace and craigslist. No luck. if anyone has one or knows where I could get one. I believe I need a long frame one for my tractor. Thank you!! sorry if I posted this in the wrong spot. One year after owning my wheel horse and still running strong!
By RJ Hamner
Will the plow I am using on my C121 and C160 work on a 876?
or is the plow frame different?
By Nuzmuz
Just wanted to show a modification I did to my 1990 310-8. I recently picked up a 36” tiller for my horse and I tried it out on my new garden area. After hitting a rock, it knocked one of the axle brackets open dropping the right side of the tiller. On a manual I viewed, it had clevis pins to hold the lever in, but my bracket did not have them. I drilled a 1/4” hole through on each lever and mounted a 1/4” clevis pin and hairpin cotter to reinforce the lever. I read on another post to just tighten the bolts on the levers, but I think this will work a little better. Hope this helps someone!