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Cost of Shipping

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Have you guys noticed the cost of shipping going out of site? I always thought more is better and cheaper, but not in the case of shipping.

I ordered this seal the other day, It will fit in the palm of your hand, less than .3 of a ounce. Shipping $9.98 UPS !!! The seal only cost $10.29.

Just fill ripped off. 

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We've had this discussion more than one Julio but I feel your pain. If shipping is more than the part I just move on and look elsewhere.

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Yeah me too. I have kind of a personal vendetta against paying for shipping.

if I buy on the jungle site I just add stuff until it gets to free shipping level. If I buy on the flea Bay I find a vendor that will ship it for nothing.


the only vendor that I have right now I use on a regular basis that I will give any money for Freight is McMaster-Carr.


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1 hour ago, ebinmaine said:

give any money for Freight is McMaster-Carr.



Same here on McMaster - and they use UPS exclusively, prob get a better rate because of the volume shipped. And boyoboy have they got EVERYTHING!!


And on the bay, I too look hard for a free ship


I've got a couple items listed now that are heavy enough to have to go motor frt, I got one nibble til he ckd the cost:eek:

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The Tuul Crib

Fastenal is just as bad!

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McMaster, purchased stuff there when I was working. Most of the time one day ship from their OH warehouse to western Pa. I ask the gal that was taking my orders why they we so fast, she told me they have a UPS terminal right in the middles of that OH warehouse. Dedicated to their needs.

Always top quality stuff, and mostly American made.

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8 hours ago, OILUJ52 said:

Have you guys noticed the cost of shipping going out of site? I always thought more is better and cheaper, but not in the case of shipping.

I ordered this seal the other day, It will fit in the palm of your hand, less than .3 of a ounce. Shipping $9.98 UPS !!! The seal only cost $10.29.

Just fill ripped off. 

I can assure you that it didn't actually cost $9.98 to ship. It probably cost $3 and the seller tacked the other $6 on to con you out of a few more bucks. 


If there are ever shipping options, I will pick USPS instead of UPS or FedEx. They're cheaper and faster 90% of the time. 


As far as shipping goes, I don't care if there is free shipping or not. I generally go for the cheapest combined price. I know people that won't buy something unless it has free shipping, even if it means they spend $5 more. Makes absolutely no sense to me. 

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953 nut

I have sold a lot of stuff on :techie-ebay: and if I used their shipping I got a 25% discount with USPS. I always chose the Free Shipping option and feel buyers like it better that way. I have had a couple of lost packages that the USPS won't even refund the shipping cost on, :soapbox:but the insurance cost so much it isn't worth it. I have found that packages that won't go through the machines always make it to the buyer. Packages like this one may aggravate the USPS, but it gets to the recipient.     :text-lol:  


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I've never sold a plug nickel on fleabay like you have Richard but I always  thought they favored USPS?

Just for reference I ordered a air filter and the cheapy electric fuel pump  for this #&/! $% Briggs zturn repo for a buddy. Off the jungle site. Less than a Jackson and at my door next day so repo done and free shipping A prime. 

Edited by WHX24

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Has anyone used Greyhound bus for shipping?  I recently heard they will ship larger items up to a -00 pounds terminal to terminal

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They could put the darn seals in an envelope between a couple pieces of thin card board for under a dollar. 

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953 nut

That is the type of packaging that gets lost!  Also, the USPS charges about $ 4.50 for that because it won't bend and is thicker than 1/4". Postage for the triangular pyramid was the same as the the padded shipping envelope.


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peter lena

i can relate, went over to  AMAZON PRIME  free shipping and two day delivery, my wife uses it often , so i started using it, i hunt down items on amazon first, knowing i can apply the prime code to the sale , makes it easy , pete  

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On 10/10/2019 at 10:07 AM, OILUJ52 said:

Have you guys noticed the cost of shipping going out of site? I always thought more is better and cheaper, but not in the case of shipping.

I ordered this seal the other day, It will fit in the palm of your hand, less than .3 of a ounce. Shipping $9.98 UPS !!! The seal only cost $10.29.

Just fill ripped off. 

A lot of places you get ripped on shipping. If i'm ordering a small Wheel Horse part I use RCPW the part might be a dollar or so higher but most small parts ship free. The only way

you could loss buying from them is if you bought a bunch of small parts at one time.  

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If any of you have ever gotten a brake lining from me, you will notice that I charge $4.00 for shipping. The lining comes in a fitted cardboard box. The brake lining and box weight in at 6 oz. The boxes costs me $.37 each, and USPS 1st-class parcel though eBay/Paypal cost me $3.22. That's my discounted rate because I ship frequently. Add in the cost of the thermal label (minuscule), and eBay's fee on postage $.40 (10%), my total cost to ship is $3.99. I wish too that there were a less expensive way. 


But now the soapbox :soapbox:


How do we as a country allow China to ship small items anywhere in the U.S. for free. I have ordered parts from China that weigh more than my brake linings, and it arrives in California, is picked up my the same USPS that ships my stuff, and it goes through the same distribution, and I'm charge $0.00 for shipping. 


That in my opinion is a big reason why your local shipping costs are so high.





Edited by rmaynard
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I don't care who ships what how fast or how much. I order stuff at work everyday some vendors get it too me in 2 days. Others take a week. As long as I actually get it I'm happy. Why is it a SUPER IMPORTANT item gets lost, delayed, sent to the wrong address ect. whilst items to replenish stock end up at your door? 


Side note UPS. Their delivery guys just dump a package at the door and leave. I had a flame sensor for an big oven shipped. The day I expected it to arrive I leave a job site to purposely go to the shop to get it. I check in the office , nothing!  I go to the door where they drop stuff off, nothing. Now I'm pissed! As I go back in something catches my eye out in the yard. It was yellow mailing envelope. There it was 50 ft from the door. It was a windy day and that $85.00 sensor was on it's way to OZ. 

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2 hours ago, rmaynard said:

How do we as a country allow China to ship small items anywhere in the U.S. for free. I have ordered parts from China that weigh more than my brake linings, and it arrives in California, is picked up my the same USPS that ships my stuff, and it goes through the same distribution, and I'm charge $0.00 for shipping.

Excellent point Bob.

I know part of the answer. Having to do business with an American Company working in China, this is what happens. The Chinese Government controls everything. When a company does business there, the must provide so much revenue such as taxes and jobs in order to maintain internal sales to the Chinese. If those business fall behind they can be penalized by having land, equipment and business is forfeited. The vast growing Chinese market is an overwhelming temptation for business loose in some markets in order to seal the their Chinese market presence. A lot of Americans don't know of this tactic and they just buy on price.

A good example of this is the current issue with the NBA being brought to it's knees.

It doesn't always work out for me trying to purchase American made, seems like I get tricked on a regular basis.

I still try.

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2 hours ago, squonk said:

I don't care who ships what how fast or how much. I order stuff at work everyday some vendors get it too me in 2 days. Others take a week. As long as I actually get it I'm happy.


That's okay for businesses Mike, because they pass along the cost to the consumer. But for the individual who is trying to get something for himself at the best possible price, it's a problem, especially for those of us on a fixed income. :(

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3 hours ago, rmaynard said:



But now the soapbox :soapbox:


How do we as a country allow China to ship small items anywhere in the U.S. for free. I have ordered parts from China that weigh more than my brake linings, and it arrives in California, is picked up my the same USPS that ships my stuff, and it goes through the same distribution, and I'm charge $0.00 for shipping. 


That in my opinion is a big reason why your local shipping costs are so high.



Dammit Bob, you had to get my blood pressure up this morning, didn't you?


As I understand it from my all-knowing but ever-patient wife, China also refuses to allow anything but plastic shipping pallets into their country, not wood, which greatly reduces the number of foreign invasive plants and animals that might be introduced there.  We, on the other hand, allow all kinds of crappy foreign wood materials into our country, which at least partly explains why we're regularly plagued with invasive pests like Asian ladybugs and stink bugs, and most recently those f***ing creepy alien spotted lanternflies!


Rant over, I need a few minutes of quiet time. :unsure:


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When I worked at Napa, we would get pallets of brake rotors from South America. I think Venezuela. I would find these giant beetles in them. I think they could have carried the rotors themselves and put them on the shelves if I didn't squash them!

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