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You know it's getting close to Fall in your area when..

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The other day Trina and I noticed a tree in our yard that is starting to turn yellow.

Most years I have one particular red maple, swamp maple, rock maple, whatever you want to call it,  that turns red sooner than any other and almost always happens in August.

When I got out of bed about 10 after 4 this morning it was 44 degrees out.


 I drove past a stove dealer here in Southern Maine and there was two whole tractor trailers full of pallets of pellets waiting to be delivered.


Like anyone there are certain things about all of the seasons that I like better than other things.


I enjoy the fact that we have four distinct different seasons here in Maine even though we may jokingly say different.


So in your area what are the signs that the seasons are changing? Maybe not necessarily from Summer to Fall... But whatever comes to mind.



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I watch the crops on my way to work & back.

Planting = Spring

Winter wheat gets harvested = Summer is half over

Soy beans get harvested = Fall is here. As well as Asian beetle season, during this time of year they are every where. I swear they can find their way into sealed can of soup.

Field corn gets harvested = Winter is right around the corner.



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When I can crawl into bed and it is finally dark out.   :orcs-cheers:

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Don‘t scare me, it is to early. 😱

Tree‘s are still green, but plums are nearly right to harvest. 🤔

Still hope for a good late Summer, before Fall occurs.


Temps jumps between day and night about 15-20 deg.C .

It seems a sign, you‘re right. 






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The air gets a little crisper, the grass grows a little slower and there's lots of farm equipment in the fields and grain trucks on the roads. My favorite time of year. 

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Back to school sales begin, and I start packing for my trip to Disney World when all the kids are supposed to be back in school. The Maryland State Fair begins, maple trees are turning, grass is needing cut fewer times, my closest non-ethanol gas station is filling their tanks with all three grades, the local farm markets have more apple products, the "pick-your-own-strawberry" signs are being replaced by "pick-your-own-pumpkins",  and I've gotten the bug to clean out and drywall my garage before bad weather, then I'm gonna build a new tractor building...we'll see how that goes.


Other than that, I can't think of anything.

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 When I work out what season it is I'll let you know. Wettest August on record. Ponds by us are usually dry now. Instead they are full. Contractors tried to combine the field opposite on Friday. Gave up after the combine got mired three times. I was surprised they came at all.

 This weekend has been the hottest Bank Holiday on record. Got rain forecast for later this week.

 All we need now is some hard frost or snow and we'll have had a year in a month. :rolleyes:

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The Tuul Crib

Sounds like another weather extreme year for everyone around this world we live in. Here in Tennessee we have had the hottest ever August. We had four consecutive days of 96° which blew the old record of 150 years ago. I will say though that we have had plenty of rain to keep us wet and  to give us all the seat time we needed ! The first sign of fall here I would have to say is when the poplar trees start to turn. They are the first ones to turn colors and fall, 

Edited by The Tool Crib

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4 hours ago, stevasaurus said:

When I can crawl into bed and it is finally dark out.   :orcs-cheers:

When I crawl OUT of bed and it's dark out. :)

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The Tuul Crib
2 hours ago, rmaynard said:

Back to school sales begin, and I start packing for my trip to Disney World when all the kids are supposed to be back in school. The Maryland State Fair begins, maple trees are turning, grass is needing cut fewer times, my closest non-ethanol gas station is filling their tanks with all three grades, the local farm markets have more apple products, the "pick-your-own-strawberry" signs are being replaced by "pick-your-own-pumpkins",  and I've gotten the bug to clean out and drywall my garage before bad weather, then I'm gonna build a new tractor building...we'll see how that goes.


Other than that, I can't think of anything.

:wwp: of that building!!

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Acorns bombing the house launched by crazy squirrels...


Tunnel spider webs all over the place. 


Spinners from the Big maple  clogging the gutters...


are sure signs “the end is near...!!!”.

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The humming birds are still here so it's all good.  :thumbs:

That's when we know the end is near.   :jaw:

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APPLE FESTIVAL at the 'Big Show' South Mountain Fairgrounds in Arendtsville.    A show of Edible Red instead of Ride-able Red.


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A sure sign of the change of the season for me here is,  when the walnut trees lose their leaves. And after the last few nights dropping into the low fifties it won't be long. I'd say when it rains every day,  but it's been doing that since last winter :wacko:  having to put another shirt on for the early morning. 

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I got this dog gone arthritis and I can't tell you when fall starts, but I can bet ya I can hit the first day of winter within a week! 

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I don't really remember what "fall" feels like. The last 10 years ago it has gone from July/August miserable hot, a single nice day, and then highs in the mid 30s from early November until the end of March.

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Personally, when it gets below 40°, I hibernate...

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4 hours ago, roadapples said:

Personally, when it gets below 40°, I ...

That when I come alive!!!!!


Anything between about freezing and 60 or so. Lovely.




Thanks everyone for your local notions.

Fascinating to read the differences.



Keep em coming...


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When I have to put away the neon green or bright yellow golf ball, it’s a sign that colors are changing.  After all, my ball can’t ever steer away from the trees!  They have the ball tree magnets turned up quite high on Tuesday night league...

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Today is the first day of school for our kids...that is the beginning of the end for our summer freedom!  


Some indicators for me that fall is close:

-I have ragweed allergy and it generally hits me late August and early September for a couple of weeks

-Our Apple trees start hanging low with bright red Haralred and Red Baron apples along with the tasty honeycrisp 

-I start to see some color changing of the leaves in our boxelder trees.  

-I start getting the itch with the cooler weather to do some serious GT plowing 

-the end of fall is typically signified by Jim’s Plow Day—late September 

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857 horse





YOU HAVE NO IDEA....:bitch:

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Traffic to the beaches becomes non existant. Lifeguards stands are put away and lifeguards are gone from their post. Cool days and cool nights start coming. All the beach clubs shut down. No more crowds on the boardwalk.Summer at the shore will be done and fall is ushered in. 



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The yellow jackets, wasps and hornets start getting even more aggressive than they usually are.  That's the only down side of sliding into fall that I can think of.


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You find these suckers start falling out of the sky. 



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I have snowplow signs up all year round.  It’s fall after I get one call, it’s winter when my voicemail box fills up after 1/2” of snow!

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