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By Row Cropper
I have been buying and selling Wheel Horse equipment since 1980. I have moved to a retirement home and closed my shop! Over the course of years I have accumulated significant WH parts and pieces which still have value to the right people! The good stuff includes, 4 or 5 mule drives, a front axle off a C-120, PTO clutch parts, deck hardware from various decks, a hood, wheels, etc. I have several additional items and just want to get them into the hands of a WH guy who knows what they are for! Asking $300 for the lot! Come take a look and see for yourself the value in this offering!!!!! Photos below show examples of Mule drive and type hood I have.
By SethL1984
312-8 - Runs, new carb, ignition doesn't work. Was bought for parts, ended up being mower. Rear Attach-a-matic bracket
417-8 - Runs well, electric lift, ignition may need cleaned (or started solenoid going). Rear Attach-a-matic bracket
(1) 42" RD with mule drive. Cuts well!
(1) 48" SD with mule drive.
(1) 37" SD.
(1) 48" snow plow. 5 way blade position I believe.
Several other parts/WH odds/ends. One tractor does include the weights and chains.
Parents are moving and, unfortunately, need to thin the herd!
By ebinmaine
A HUGE thank you to Tony @Docwheelhorse for settin' me up here.
The generosity of some of our members never ceases to amaze me.
This here is another 1974 C160, but with the rare Tecumseh HH/OH160 OHV engine. Made one year only.
It's rough. Very much in need of a full disassembly and restoration.
When it came here it was missing one tie rod and the other was broken off one end.
Today I popped used tie rods on and Trina used her 867 to drag it from the drive to the shed.
The engine wouldn't move.
Tin was near chock full of skeletal mouseseses and their house.
Cleaned that out and the engine spins freely now.
So progress has been made.
It'll be a good long while before we get to this one but I just couldn't turn it down considering the rarity.
By Red144runner
I mow 7 lawns on the side 3 are neighbors. One in is a good size and flat. The only pita is a swingset. I like using the tractor on it for several reasons, it does a beautiful job, it needs to be bagged and with I only need to empty twice, my proline 36” I empty 7-8 and it’s a good excuse to run it for 90 minutes.
By Goldnboy
For those who have repaired 8 speed transmissions what items are the source of failure? Forks? Cluster gear? Bearing?
Water is obviously enemy #1
Along with no oil as #2