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8 speed axle cross reference

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I have a 1976 C-120, 8 speed, that has had a bad rear axle key way for about 35 years.The plastic steel we put in to keep things together finally gave up the ghost last year. I tried some welding but that hasn't held up either. My question is will the rear axles from a C-81 8 speed fit in my transmission? According to the parts lists I found on this site, both trans have 1 1/8" axles and 8 pinion diffs, but the axle part numbers are different.  Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm brand new to the site and think its great!

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Welcome to Redsquare!!!!


I'm thinking the whole transmission will swap right in.

Others will be along shortly to confirm or correct.



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I should have clarified in my first post. There is a pair of C-81 axles on ebay that I'll bid on if they fit. Thanks for the info!

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Steveasaurus would know.If he sees your post I'm sure you will get the answer you need.

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On-line schematics show the axle  parrt # 105875 ...for left and right side.... is same for C-81 and C-120 .  

On-line schematics have lied to me before though.   

Key in part # 105875 here and that axle is shown for MANY models...



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Looks like the 1976 C-120 used two different transmission models determined by the tractor model number

The C-81 used this transmission


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Looks like the 1976 C-120 models



61-12K804 used the 5091 transmission with 102764 axles.


The 1976 C-120 model 61-12K803 used 105875 axles as did the 1978-79 C-81.


That is if the info available is correct



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I have FOUR of these axles...not sure of application. ALL are  1-1/8" diameter with 17 sploines for axle gear. 

11-1/4"....11-5/8" ....12" long...and 13" long. 

Also have both axles gears.... 

Note...  The 11-5/8" axle with scarring...The scar / scraping is well inside the differential end cap and NOT near a bearing.  Would not be detrimental.

Pricing:...send me an email.  I am:







axl 006.JPG

axl 005.JPG

axl 001.JPG



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Pending Stevasaurus expertise weighing ineither axle could work.  There may be a slight difference in length  so your hubs may be further out from the housing or if too short your hubs may extend about 3/8" beyond the axle end.  The splines in the axles will all be the same.  One potential difference in the axle will be the size of the keyway (that may explain different part #s.)  Note it is the length of the woodruff key that changes not the width.

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Thanks for all the input. It turns out I have the 61-12K802 model with 5091 transmission. Hopefully Stevasaurus might be able to weigh in on the axle length for that trans. 

Thanks again

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7 minutes ago, Ralpho711 said:

weigh in on the axle length

In consideration of the fact that there have been many many instances where Wheelhorse has used other parts and also the fact that previous owners may have changed something... Your best most accurate way would be to disassemble your own transmission and measure the axles that you have.

Double check the overall length of course and the length of the keyway as noted above. Then order accordingly.


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Probably my best bet, ebinmaine. Luckily I'm the second owner, acquired in 1980, so previous repairs are not a concern. Thank you all.


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Sorry to be late to the party.  As far as I know, all of the Wheel Horse axles that are 1 1/8", will work in all of the 6 and 8 speed transmissions.  Like Paul stated the length of the key may have to do with different part numbers, but I think it is all about length of the axles.  Unfortunately, determining length is almost impossible to do with out opening the trans.  This is not a problem since you are going to open the trans anyway.

   Remember, that the 10 pinion differentials use axles of different lengths.  8 pinion differentials all use axles of the same length...ie...the axles in each differential will be of equal length.

   This will help narrow it down...in Dave's pictures...

the 12" axle is part # 7202

the 11 1/4" axle is part # 7203


We need the model # to know which transmission is in his C-120.  I'm going to submit this for a good guess.  If @Ralpho711 looks at the rear of his transmission and sees about 1" of axle showing between the case and the hub, then he has the longer 13" axles.  If the hubs are tight to the case, he has the 11 5/8" axles.


Another way to chance a good guess is to measure the length of the key way.   In Dave's picture the key way that looks about 1" is the 11 5/8" axle.  The longer key (looks to be 1 3/8") is the 13" axle.


Regard less, the correct model # with the axle length (when measured) will tell us the transmission model and if the 13' axle is part # 105875 or part # 102764.  :eusa-think:  :occasion-xmas:


sorry, just saw the 61-12K802.  Based on that information, and the fact that Dave stated the woodruff key was used in many models.  My guess is Ralph has the C-120 with the #5091 trans. And I am guessing that is going to be the #102764 axle with the shorter key way...the 11 5/8" axle that Dave shows.  If all that is true, then the Trans #103907 uses the 13" axle and that would be # 105875.  @Ralpho711 please let us know what your axles measure.  Maybe we can make a list then.


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Awesome knowledge and info! I will post updates once I get it apart.

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Ralph...I am really going to want to know if my train of though, logic and guessing is correct.  Thanks Mate.  :occasion-xmas:

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If your up for a trip to the Hudson Valley I have 8 speeds that I would sell.  

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Quick update: I have the trans apart and the axles are 11 5/8" and the "good" hub was about 1" from the trans casting with the outside of the hub flush with the axle. 





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Excellent.  Now there may be more axles out there of different lengths that are 1 1/8" diameter, but we have a good start...and maybe all of it.  :occasion-xmas:


The Wheel Horse trans # 5060, #5071, #5073 use the #7202 12" axle and the #7203 axle which is 11 1/4".

The Wheel Horse trans # 5091 uses the #102764 axles that are 11 5/8".

The Wheel Horse trans # 103907 uses the # 105875 axles that are 13". 


@Ralpho711...thank you very much.  I will start a thread and pin it up in transmissions.  Looks like my logic and guessing were spot on.  Thanks to Dave, Gerry and all else involved.  What a team.

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