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12 hp Kohler running at high rpm

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Hello all I just  got a 1277 wheel horse it starts and idles fine but when you advance the throttle the engine runs whiled. I'm thinking a govner adjustment will cure my issue.  Question is I'm not sure the proper way to adjust it.  Which way to turn the internal rod and which way to hold the carb.  While open or closed  and then tighten the clamp that holds the govner rod sticking out of the block.  Hope this makes sense what I'm trying to say.  Also if this is not my issue any thoughts on what else to look at.  Something internal???   Thanks in advance....

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Turn the shaft to the left (looking strait at) it and the carb full open then lock the nut.

Start the engine and if the internal parts of the governor are working properly, you will easily feel the governor arm pushing the throttle closed as you increase the rpm. It pushes pretty hard.

Edited by wallfish
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The high speed limit is the bar stop sticking out (Blue arrow).  Loosen the bot and rotate the bar stop slightly counter clockwise to lower the top end speed.


A bit dirty was the only pic I could find on short notice.


Edited by pfrederi
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953 nut

:confusion-confused:   Can you post a picture of the connection of the throttle cable to the linkages?   Wonder if the previous owner hooked it up wrong.

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  On 7/15/2019 at 6:52 PM, 953 nut said:

:confusion-confused:   Can you post a picture of the connection of the throttle cable to the linkages?   Wonder if the previous owner hooked it up wrong.

Will do later on this evening 

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Here is a few pix of the springs and things20190715_201214.jpg.83d37bc6718226765fd1c920db1c76c7.jpg


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953 nut

Looks like all the springs and linkage are where they should be. Here is a governor procedure I copied from somewhere (can't remember where) that might be helpful. This is a bit more detailed than what John @wallfish posted but is the same process.

Here is how I do any governor. All done with the engine not running.

Move the carb throttle shaft from idle to wide open throttle.

As you go from idle to wide open throttle watch the end of the governor shaft and note which direction it turns - clockwise or counter-clockwise. Mark down the direction.

Now loosen the clamp on the governor shaft. Hold the carb throttle in the wide open position again with your 3rd hand (or a wood wedge cut to size).

Turn the governor shaft in the direction you recorded as far as it will go without excessive force. Hold it there and tighten the governor arm clamp screw. Done.


Before you start check the governor arm clamp area to see if there is clearance in the clamp on the arm. If there is none there is a good chance it won't tighten enough to hold it's position on the shaft. May have to open the slot up with a hacksaw blade or file. The governor does create a lot of torque so it needs to be clamped hard enough to prevent slippage.


Governors try to slow the engine down and the higher the rpm the more pressure they develop. The throttle cable is hooked to the governor spring and that is what increases rpm. When the governor pressure in one direction equals the spring pressure in the other direction that is the rpm you end up with.

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All engines are slightly different but your high speed limit seems to be set much further over than any of mine.  It is a very sensitive setting a small movement makes a significant speed change at top end.  The top edge of yours is about 3 o'clock most of mine are around 1 or 2 o'clock


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Not sure which which pix is the high speed limit

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see my picture up this thread with the blue arrow

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