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Onan P220G

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Hi, new to the forum. Is a Onan P220G from a 520H worth a overhaul and more important, are parts available? Engine currently runs but tired... Thanks, Tony

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The Tuul Crib

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@Tgalo :WRS: Your question hinges on some variables. Parts are available, but Onan's are expensive to rebuild. That being said. If the rest of the tractor is in good condition, you desire to keep it original and you can swing the cost, then you would have a good tractor for a long time after a rebuild.


Another option that some have done is to replace the Onan with a 22hp Predator from Harbor Freight. The Predator is a good engine at a low cost. If you choose this route the original PTO clutch will need to be changed to an electric clutch as the Predator will not accept the end pressure from the original PTO clutch. 

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Parts are definitely available but pricey. Things can get real expensive if it suffers the dreaded rear jug valve seat issue. Most often it's wiser to look into a repower unless you like the sound & power of a P220. A repo with say a Honda or Predator motor has been successfully done many times.  Usually we recommend pulling the motor apart and checking what needs to be done and re-assess is it worth continuing or not. You will get a much closer cost estimate that way.

Also what comes into play is are you doing the overhaul yourself or having a pro shop do it. Really the only economically feasible way is to do it your self. A pro shop would way above the cost of a repo and many shops won't touch Onans due to the cost.

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Most all the comments about a repower are valid.I have never dealt with the 22 horse Predator but it states that the crank has ball bearings.If that is the case then a WH pto should not cause any harm if it can be mounted.I know that a 13 horse Predator will not have any issue with thrust loads as it has ball bearings supporting the crank.You have a lot of options.

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I have seen the same thing about the bearings on the spec sheet in the stores. Don't think

I have seen where anyone has pulled side cover to verify. If so i agree with the above post.

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Thank you all for the input. Let me expand on what I'm trying to do. I am the original owner of a 1986 312A. Still have it and runs great. Back then I just couldn't afford the 417 I really wanted....lol  So, I found a 95 520H local and I was thinking of a restoration project. Of course I'd like to keep it as original as possible. The tractor has 700+/- hours on it. Where would be a good Onan engine part source? Maybe get an idea what I might be getting my self into....

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An Onan engine with only 700 hours should not be "tired" unless it was seriously abused.  For parts, contact Boomer or Onan Parts

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2 hours ago, lynnmor said:

700 hours should not be "tired" unless it was seriously abused

Agreed Lynn. Lots of questions there, are the cooling fins plugged? Has the oil been changed regularly? Is the motor filthy with build up? Some pics here Tgalo would help.  Anything else on the tractor look abused or jury rigged?

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I'll get some pictures this week. 


700 hours should not be "tired" unless it was seriously abused

Thats good to know, I haven't really took a good look at any of that stuff you mentioned..

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Ok so got to take a close look at this tractor. Found out its a 93 not 95. No oil leaks on the engine at all, In fact the engine looks pretty clean.I might mention I have not bought it from him yet. There are two hydraulic quick disconnects coming out the rear for some king of implement. But you guys weren't kidding, I could build a small block chevy cheaper...  lol

Wheelhorse 520.jpg

Edited by Tgalo

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