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Is this damper important?

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953 nut
2 hours ago, Cookie said:

Which belt did you replace ?


I have had good results with the Kevlar Belts from Tractor Supply. Your drive belt is Wheel Horse part # 7473 which is a 5L-820, 5/8" wide 82" long belt. Tell us about yourself and your Wheel Horses. You can do an introduction at this link. https://www.wheelhorseforum.com/forum/47-introductions/

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peter lena

@Sparky   would go with just the spring , would also detail lubricate all related linkage / movement points , might even be a time to get a idler pulley with a bigger bearing , like a local bearing distributor , bigger  wide rubber side shields , do a hi temp grease change , might have to bronze bushing larger bearing to 3/8 " for perfect refit , done that . no noise or failures ,  greasy pete

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I replaced the drive belt and removed the little shock and it wasn't working like it was supposed to. My clutch pedal stopped "chattering" but when I went to put it in 3rd the tractor stood up on it's hind wheels. If I was to put a spring where the little shock was would it prevent the front end of the tractor from going up in the air or should I replace the spring at the end of the clutch rod, would that stop the front end from coming up ? 

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peter lena

@Cookie   sounds like a combination of , lack of lubrication rusty linkage areas. never do wheelies , if your linkage is smooth in function , its always smooth . that clutch rod spring might need replacing , typically that small shock was indented to temper engagement . have an aerosol lubricant with the extension tube ? grease fitting on the clutch pedal ? would go after every related linkage point , with lube and verify as you go , for ease of function . regularly go over that entire set up for ease of movement . you could also have an idler pulley thats  binding up , giving you that jump . drive line pictures on this site , to show you what's involved , pete. 

Edited by peter lena
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My 315-8 and another tractor I restored and sold had the damper replaced with the old school spring - the damper bottomed out on my 315 - when I removed it and went the spring route got a lot more use out of the old  belt . I think for those of us that know how to work on these machines it's personal preference - I prefer the spring - breaking in a new belt you can do wheelies easy if you're not careful ad get used to it and broke in .


My vote lose the damper .

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Lagersolut, would you happen to have the spring number of that spring you used ?

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2 hours ago, Cookie said:

Lagersolut, would you happen to have the spring number of that spring you used ?


Toro 108035

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