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Blackhood Bill

Meet and Greets question

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Blackhood Bill

Well I have been here for a bit and have not gone to any shows or meet and greets. Just was wondering what all is expected at meet and greets? I realize it is all about just getting to know each other and enjoy the :wh:‘s but what all does everyone expect to do or want to do?

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One meet and greet I went to was an organized plow day in the farmer’s field across the street.  It seems there were some side deals in the parking lot, some food, plenty of tractor talk, plenty of stories and lies too :handgestures-thumbupright:  

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That is a great question, I am hosting my first Meet & Greet in Southern Maine this Sept 7 and I guess It depends on how much area you have to add any other activities. I have a trail system that I am planning on a ride if anyone is interested, but not mandatory,no pressure to do anything at all just relax and have a great time with like minded people. I also have a Horseshoe pit set up that we have not used in 7 years but have refurbished them complete with the stakes painted with WH colors that being the top 3 inches of Regal Red and the rest canvas white Rustoleum colors left over from the c-120 wheel spruce up. also gas grille for anyone to use. I would also like to set up a table with any kind of WH literature that anyone would like to bring in addition to what I have. Could also do a pot luck type lunch for anyone to bring there own creation or do the basic burgers & dogs? Camping is also available for those that have a long ride home and that is why I have planned on a Saturday & Sunday event.Also plenty of local places to stay and dine within a 30 minute ride from the Meet.Significant others invited also. Hope this sheds some light for you, I am just winging it from here on in, stay tuned.                 Jim

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@stevebo could throw in on this one too.

@JCM Jim did you find us something to pull on yet?



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Hi Eric, tossing around the Idea of adding a pull if there is interest. @stevebo did respond about needing a stone boat set-up using an old tailgate but I need to know what size length the run needs to be and also how wide.Honestly I don't know if I have the time to construct that this year? Tree removal etc. If we all did not live so scattered we could have a work party like Steve did when he built his barn with a bunch of  WH tractors running around with all sorts of attachments on, That would be fun and interesting and I know someone in Maine just north of me who has a nice grader blade, something to contemplate.

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42 minutes ago, JCM said:

need to know what size length the run needs to be and also how wide.Honestly I don't know if I have the time to construct that this year?

@fast88pu or Steve could tell us what size the run should be.

I think for a "Fun pull" it isn't much of a concern other than just approximate size.


44 minutes ago, JCM said:

know someone in Maine just north of me who has a nice grader blade, something to contemplate

I'll speak to the owner of the above mentioned grader blade and see what we can sort out.


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Blackhood Bill

Ok this is good input, but Is this all that is wanted. I’m curious as to what everyone wants and does at these events. I’ve got an idea brewing but don’t know if I can pull it off. Just getting as much info as possible from all those who have attended and hosted.

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Are you willing to let the cat out of the bag about  the idea that you have brewing,I am all ears. I guess I never asked anyone what they would like to have at this event.

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:greetings-clapyellow:  Having a little :wh: trail ride is always nice. 

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3 minutes ago, AMC RULES said:

:greetings-clapyellow:  Having a little :wh: trail ride is always nice. 

If its a trail ride I might bother to find a way to bring mine down.

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:flags-waveusa:  Hamburgers and hotdogs are always nice too.  :flags-waveusa:

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Hot dogs Craig? I guess we need to send @Achto out there to chef a meal! :ychain: We usually get a little too extravagant or our M&Gs on the food but when you drink as much as we do you need some good chow to wash it down with!

Tools Bill... make sure your have at least the basics.... one of the biggest kicks we get out of our shindigs  is wrenching with our :wh:  bros. . Just to get a minor problem fixed or getting an old 301 running is alot of fun. Maybe have an old non runner just for fellas to play around with.

Tom @Shynon and I trying to fix a lift cable... @Achto grinding on a bit too tight Brinley hitch.... Mike @prondzy doing who hell knows what ! :lol: A line full of crock pot goodness ...many thanks to the Mrs here....





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:rolleyes: Bunch of crock pots...

yeah, kinda seems fitting.  

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13 minutes ago, AMC RULES said:

:rolleyes: Bunch of crock pots...

yeah, kinda seems fitting.  

Shoe fits wear it Craig !

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Now let's see them tractor cozy's you guys knitted.  

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When we started our first meet and greets here in CT (Jeff aka Fireman) hosted the first. We kinda all chipped in for pizza and drinks. We also tried to make it a learning experience with a member who was particularly good as something. I remember learning how to set up an e tank to remove rust. That was cool. At my meet and greets I simply provide a grill, simple food like dogs and burgers along with beer and soda/water. Guests can bring anything else they want. 

This last one we went on a nice 4 mile ride on mostly a dirt road along a stream. That was great especially with the fall foliage in full color. We also did some pulling 

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Blackhood Bill

Ok now were getting somewhere. Looks to be a handful but I have to do some checking into a couple of things. :confusion-confused:ie... trail ride of some sort, the rest will be easy. I'm going to have to look at a calendar also ( so no conflicts with shows etc..) and maybe this could be pulled off with out to much hassle. In the mean time drinks to stock.. Tools I have not a problem there. A :wh: to tinker with not a problem there. Just got to make sure the ground is right and that sort of stuff and I will be good to go. Stay tuned hopefully news will come shortly

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Couple other thoughts here on things to do & a way to cop some seat time is maybe let a patch of grass get long & guys can do some mowing. Tub rides for the kids.  Field work if you have the space, plowing, tilling, discing etc. Chain piling for the guys with hydros. Backward tub races is always a blast.

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