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By Doodad
Well, I guess I've gone too far this time. I've got what I believe to be a 1974 Wheel Horse C-120 (12 HP Kohler serial7326629) that has performed nicely so far but looked a bit dirty so I had the great idea of cleanin' her up a little. Washed the tractor but the engine was dirty and I thought it would be nice to clean that up too so I sprayed some orange citrus cleaner on it and hosed it off and boy it cleaned right up and looks great...the only problem is, now it won't start...just grinds when I key the switch. I'm getting ready to take the hood off and check for spark but I'm suspicioning it's probably sucked water into the carb when I tried to pull it into the shop after washing. Anyway, that's my starting point but, before I go to far, I wanted to see what the Wizards of Wrenches have to say about what's wrong. I did get it to backfire and consider that an improvement but, no-starty, me no smarty. From the Doodad
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By Mattgray
I am looking for a snow plow in the Western NC area, might be a long shot but iv checked marketplace and craigslist. No luck. if anyone has one or knows where I could get one. I believe I need a long frame one for my tractor. Thank you!! sorry if I posted this in the wrong spot. One year after owning my wheel horse and still running strong!
By Volleballogist
Hello all,
I have owned this wheelhorse tractor since I was 5 years old. My grandfather bought this as a kit and we built it together. Unfortunately my grandfather passed a few years later taking his knowledge about this tractor with him. I need help getting this thing running again. I'm not sure on where I can buy parts, I have the original owners manual floating around somewhere but any tips or advice on where I should get started or certain questions I should be asking would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!
By mhvt
I have an old B 82 (from the 60s) that will not start. Started earlier today. I have tried everything.
Basically, it sparks but it does not turn over. What could be happening here?