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D series control valve.... help!

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Some of you might be following my dump trailer build and possibly my 4x4 horse.

well the power steering pump only gives out 700psi and a high flow. Not a problem on bendy as the lift cylinders are huge. 




On my trailer the tip cylinder is 1-1/2” and there’s not enough pressure. So I’ve swapped the pump to a 1.8cc low flow high pressure pump -2500psi




whilst testing the front lift it worked fine, the hydraulic tip was fine. When I went to lift the rear three point, the spool valve spit it’s guts out!!! 






hard to see from the pictures, but I forgot the valve has no relief valve, so basically it failed... question is - has anyone made the same mistake and have I blown a seal or fractured the casting?


It's quite a job to remove and check, so just seeing if anyone has done the same and is it repairable - what ever I need to upgrade the valve to one with a relief valve!





Edited by meadowfield

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