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Rob R

Kohler 321 Engine Pan

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Rob R

 I am currently doing a ring, piston, hone rebuild on a K 321 off a Ford LGT 145 Tractor  on this machine they actually welded the rails to the bottom pan (see pics). My intention here is to put this puppy in a red machine (312-8 or GT14). I definitely have the small pan with the expanded bottom for the long dipper.

Here's my questions:

> Can I carefully remove the rails from the pan, cutoff the old front axle mounting bracket(s) and then drill holes in  the flanges to mount  to the Wheel Horse rails.

> Since the engine is side mounted will the expanded bottom fit between the standard Wheel Horse rails?

> If not possible to make this old pan work what flat pan would work and do I need to get the expanded bottom one (big dipper}

> any recommendations here would be appreciated don't want to go down to many blind holes here...….


Thanks much!









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What is the pan-to-engine bolt pattern?  How deep do you need the pan to be?  I have several pans here from 12-14 Kohler engines,but need to know a little more.  Canm we do this in emails...outside of RS?  My email is:




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I would not use the Ford pan. It was for a tube frame and I think it would not be worth the effort to modify it.  It may have some value to the Ford collectors. Should be able to just put a standard K series deep pan on it. Those should be easy to find. The dipper clearance should be check and trimmed if required. I don't see the use of a short pan with the tractor you are putting it in. You probably have seen this Rob but just for reference here.


Are you going to leave the balance gears in?

Edited by WHX22

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Easiest option would be a pan like this:




With that said, none of your belts, guards or the like would line up.  The pan is about an inch shorter then what a wheel horse pan is so the engine will sit closer to the frame.

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30 minutes ago, WHX22 said:

Should be able to just put a standard K series deep pan on it.

After further review scratch that idea... won't fit that block. Caddy's got a good plan tho. Maybe space it up on channels for better fit with the guards? May have to notch the frame for clearance on the deep sump. Or go with the shallow pan without the sump,  snip the dipper and space it up? Just thinkin out loud here.  

Edited by WHX22

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Rob R
22 hours ago, WHX22 said:

I would not use the Ford pan. It was for a tube frame and I think it would not be worth the effort to modify it.  It may have some value to the Ford collectors. Should be able to just put a standard K series deep pan on it. Those should be easy to find. The dipper clearance should be check and trimmed if required. I don't see the use of a short pan with the tractor you are putting it in. You probably have seen this Rob but just for reference here.


Are you going to leave the balance gears in?

Thanks for the response Jim what you are saying makes perfect sense I definitely need a small K series deep pan (at least 2 inches) and probably need to trim the dipper as I have the long one and the current Ford pan has a deeper valley on one side.....  The balance gears are good and very tight so I planned on leaving them in.... plus I don't know how to take them out...…  Anyone out there have one of these at a decent $? 

Edited by Rob R

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Eric Friedrichsen



I have a spare Magnum 321 pan in good condition that you can have. I live in Wilton CT which is only 30 min. from Brewster.

If you want it call me at 203-752-0043. The depth of the pan from the base to the gasket edge is 2 and 3/8 inches. It should fit

your engine fine.


Eric Friedrichsen





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That’s the wrong kind of oil pan for a small base engine (more square). That will only work with a big base engine block (long rectangle). 

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38 minutes ago, 82Caddy said:

That’s the wrong kind of oil pan for a small base engine (more square). That will only work with a big base engine block (long rectangle). 


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953 nut

Check out this post and see how Jay @JPWH tackled this issue. Start with Post # 78.


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