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Bad hydro pulley bearings... can I replace bearings only?

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This is on my 91 244-H. I just did the pto and bearings, but apparently the idler and tensioner bearings are also toast. I can see 6203LU on one, but the other is not labeled. Is it possible to just change bearings or do I have to replace the whole pulley? Typically I just replace bearings but I can't see how these come apart. Are these multi part pulleys? Also does anyone know both bearing numbers?


I think the part numbers for pulleys are 92-7101 and 92-7102.



Edited by 1990Onan520-H

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It can be done, you have to drill out the spot welds to get them apart. There are 6 spot welds, you have to clean up the idler to find them. There will be a indention at each spot weld, I usually try a 3/16" drill bit and use 3/16 screws and nuts to put them back together. It may take a larger drill bit to get them apart. The flat idlers are usually not welded down in the groove like v-idlers. I have done both on the mule drive. theye is also a pressed in adapter that can be knocked out. My guess is that the bearing is a 6203 with a 3/4" ID you will have to measure the adapter or bearing to see. I have Also found 1632 bearings in flat idlers on mower decks they measure 5/8" ID 1 3/8" OD and 7/16 wide. 

Here are the mule drive Idlers. You need a new idler so if you can't get it fixed your no worse off, give it a try.


The extra hole is for aline the two halfs, your flat already has a hole.




Edited by Lee1977
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