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12 hp Kohler

My new gt14

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1 hour ago, pullstart said:


Never say never!  Aim high and work hard, I bet @Aldon‘s got some sweat equity into those wheels 👍


A ton of sweat equity but a lot of $$ too:-)


Not to mention the high quality welding skills of @fast88pu

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12 hp Kohler

I wouldn’t bet against it either :lol: I had the privilege of watching Kevin put 4 tractors in the Colorado last year at the show. I don’t know how he does it but it can be done :blink:


Edited by 12 hp Kohler
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I love how everyone drills out the side of the dash housing and puts the throttle there. Same thing on the one I parted. That one should clean up nice. I definitely would preserve it the way it is. Paint the wheels, new set of tires and get it mechanically sound and it will be a nice survivor. Good luck with it. I had fun building Skittles, although she looked way worse than that when I got her.

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Pollack Pete

VERY nice GT-14.I have 5 or 6 of them myself.I  see by the exposed fuel tank that it's an early one.Later ones had the full cast iron grill protecting the tank.Be careful you don't run into anything and poke a hole in that plastic tank.Have fun with your new toy.

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Super-C 4 me
18 hours ago, 12 hp Kohler said:

Do you guys know where I can get rear tires for the GT14. I would like to get ag tires but if I can’t I will settle for turfs. 

I believe someone has set for sale in the classified adds

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953 nut
19 hours ago, 12 hp Kohler said:

Do you guys know where I can get rear tires for the GT14. I would like to get ag tires but if I can’t I will settle for turfs. 

Page 5 of this post has turfs for sale 

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Super-C 4 me
22 minutes ago, 953 nut said:

Page 5 of this post has turfs for sale 


I stand corrected, that where I saw it.

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12 hp Kohler
15 hours ago, Pollack Pete said:

VERY nice GT-14.I have 5 or 6 of them myself.I  see by the exposed fuel tank that it's an early one.Later ones had the full cast iron grill protecting the tank.Be careful you don't run into anything and poke a hole in that plastic tank.Have fun with your new toy.

I looked at the gas tank a little bit and it is in really bad shape, I’m not sure if it is salvageable. I’m not sure if it could be repaired or not. I will take some pictures of it tomorrow and you guys can give me some pointers. 

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Nice looking machine I have my eyes open looking for a nice gt for myself. Looks like you have a good candidate for a restore if that's what you want to do. 

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On April 12, 2019 at 10:21 PM, pullstart said:

All those naysayers...  doubting me so often :D  Someone sponsor me 4 GT14’s, I’ll see if I can get ‘em in the Colorado!

One rule this year is you can't take them apart lol

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953 nut
11 hours ago, 12 hp Kohler said:

gas tank a little bit and it is in really bad shape, I’m not sure if it is salvageable.

@Aldon has a thread on his repair of a GT_14 gas tank someplace. I will look for it later, headed to church now.

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1 hour ago, 19richie66 said:



halfway down page 4


Post #79
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12 hp Kohler

Here is picture of the fuel tank. The whole top of it is cracked and bent up. It’s already been repaired but the repair broke. D8F92616-8F62-4116-97E0-D97E5E07D0F8.jpeg.f3c00c32fac0267063fcc35900f011f2.jpeg

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These tanks are getting hard to find in good condition. I had one where the bottom was cracked almost all the way across. Sent it to a friend who had a plastic welder. Came back all sealed up and stayed that way. Do a search on Google regarding plastic welding if you can't find a replacement tank. 

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Soldering iron and black zip ties. Groove the crack with the tip of the iron, melt a zip tie into the groove and work back and forth till it is melted into the tank. Being it is on the top, it’s not as critical and you can sand it and seal it

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12 hp Kohler

Took the tiller off today and got the engine running. Runs okay but needs carburetor work, carb is really worn out. I have a video of it running but I’m not sure if it will work. Let me know if it works or not. BF0862BB-A0D4-45A7-B811-C86CD1C3A8D5.jpeg.5120c43a10395f768cde7406e836cfa4.jpegAC6BC641-C9B7-40EA-ADC2-6DB0A901417A.jpeg.0b4b7477bcbb8b9e5e94dd5644939598.jpeg

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Video worked Robbie..

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Sounds pretty decent...  how long had it been sitting?

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12 hp Kohler
9 hours ago, pfrederi said:

Video worked Robbie..


49 minutes ago, pullstart said:

Sounds pretty decent...  how long had it been sitting?

The PO said it had been sitting 4 or 5 years. That worried me a little but it had good compression and it doesn’t smoke at all. 

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Doesn't sound bad. With a little tweaking you'll be good to go.


I did the gas tank repair on mine with mixed results. The shutoff valve mod worked great, but the zip tie/soldering iron not so much. It was fine for a while but it cracked again on the top. Might not have worked the new plastic into it enough but I'm going to leave it be for now since it still works. If I ever find any implements for it and restore it, I'll probably have a metal tank made.



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Probably the age of the plastic. Aluminum is the way to go. 👍


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1 hour ago, 19richie66 said:

Probably the age of the plastic. Aluminum is the way to go. 👍


Your son needs to start a side business!

Edited by Aldon
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If people didn’t mind paying for them, we would. They wouldn’t be cheap but would last a looooong time. It wasn’t a direct fit but pretty darn close. A couple slight mods to the lower mount but I think the upper holding strap may work. I made my own mounts. Not as much capacity as stock but still around 4 gallons. But , it doesn’t leak and I don’t have to worry about poking a hole in it. 👍

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And it adds Bling!!!!

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